Foreclosure Case Information Statement {10169} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New Jersey

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Foreclosure Case Information Statement {10169} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New Jersey

Last updated: 4/28/2023

Foreclosure Case Information Statement {10169}

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Instructions for Completing the Foreclosure Case Information Statement (FCIS) Use this as a cover letter for a party's first pleading. Plaintiffs must complete the entire form. Defendants complete Section A only, print their name(s), and sign and date the form at the designed area at the bottom. 1. Under Caption, enter the name of the case (the name(s) of the plaintiff(s) vs. the defendant(s)). For Section A example: John Doe, Plaintiff vs. Mary Smith, Defendant. 2. Under the County of Venue, enter the county where the property is located. 3. Under Docket Number, enter the docket number of your case, if known. 4. Under Name(s) of Filing Party(ies) enter your name and party type (plaintiff or defendant). For example: John Doe, Plaintiff or Mary Smith, Defendant. filing: Complaint, Answer, Other 5. Under Document Type, enter the type of paper are you filing. Select the appropriate checkbox for your 6. Under Attorney Name, list the name of your attorney (if applicable). If you are not represented by an attorney, enter your name. space blank. 7. Under Firm Name, enter your attorney's firm name. If you are not represented by an attorney, leave this 8. Under Mailing Address, enter the mailing address of your attorney (if applicable). If you are not represented by an attorney, enter your address. during the day. 9. Under Daytime Phone Number, enter a telephone number (including area code) where you can be reached Section B (If you are the Plaintiff complete Section B. Otherwise skip to the signature section) 1. In the Foreclosure Case Type Number section, select the response that best describes your case. 2. In the next section select the appropriate response (yes or no) to each of the three questions. If you select "yes" for "Related Pending Case" list any and all docket numbers. being foreclosed on, including apartment number. 3. In the Full Physical Street Address of Property section, enter the complete physical address for the property 4. Enter the municipality code for the property being foreclosed on. (The Municipality Codes can be found at 5. Enter the municipal block and lot numbers. Signature Section (To be completed by all parties) 1. Under Attorney/Self Represented Signature, either your attorney or you (if appearing Pro Se) must sign. If the document is being filed on behalf of more than one self-represented litigant, than all parties must sign and date the form. 2. Under Print Attorney/Self Represented Name, please print either your attorney's name or the names of all self-represented litigants for whom the document is being filed. 3. Date the form. 4. Note: when you fill out this form, you are certifying that the statements made on the form are true. If you willfully make false statements, you may be subject to punishment. Effective 02/01/2010, CN 10169 American LegalNet, Inc. Appendix XII-B2 Use for initial Chancery Division -- General Equity foreclosure pleadings (not motions) under Rule 4:5-1. Pleading will be rejected for filing, under Rule 1:5-6(c), if information is not furnished or if attorney's signature is not affixed. SECTION A: TO BE COMPLETED BY ALL PARTIES CAPTION FORECLOSURE CASE INFORMATION STATEMENT (FCIS) FOR USE BY CLERK'S OFFICE ONLY PAYMENT TYPE: RECEIPT NO. AMOUNT: OVERPAYMENT: BATCH NUMBER: BATCH DATE: CK CG CA MO COUNTY OF VENUE DOCKET NUMBER (when available) NAME(S) OF FILING PARTY(IES) (e.g. John Doe, Plaintiff) DOCUMENT TYPE COMPLAINT ANSWER OTHER ATTORNEY NAME (IF APPLICABLE) FIRM NAME (IF APPLICABLE) MAILING ADDRESS DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER SECTION B: TO BE COMPLETED BY PLAINTIFF TO INITIAL COMPLAINT FORECLOSURE CASE TYPE NUMBER 088 IN PERSONAM TAX FORECLOSURE 089 IN REM TAX FORECLOSURE 0RF RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE 0CF COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE 0CD CONDOMINIUM OR HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION LIEN FORECLOSURE 091 STRICT FORECLOSURE OFP OPTIONAL FORECLOSURE PROCEDURE (NO SALE) 0TS TIME SHARE FORECLOSURE FULL PHYSICAL STREET ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: IS THIS A HIGH RISK MORTGAGE PURSUANT TO P.L.2009,C.84 AND P.L.2008,C.127 PURCHASE MONEY MORTGAGE RELATED PENDING CASE IF YES, LIST DOCKET NUMBERS: YES YES YES NO NO NO MUNICIPALITY CODE (*) MUNICIPAL BLOCK: ZIP CODE COUNTY: (LOTS) ALL FILING PARTIES MUST SIGN AND PRINT NAMES(S) AND DATE THE FORM BELOW I certify that confidential personal identifiers have been redacted from documents now submitted to the court, and will be redacted from all documents submitted in the future in accordance with Rule 1:38-7(b). ATTORNEY / SELF REPRESENTED SIGNATURE PRINT ATTORNEY / SELF REPRESENTED NAME DATE *The Municipality Codes can be found at Effective 02/01/2010, CN 10169 American LegalNet, Inc.

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