Consent Order For Expedited Jury Trial {10877} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New Jersey

 New Jersey   Statewide   Civil Division 
Consent Order For Expedited Jury Trial {10877} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New Jersey

Last updated: 4/13/2015

Consent Order For Expedited Jury Trial {10877}

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CONSENT ORDER FOR EXPEDITED JURY TRIAL. This form is used to request a faster resolution for a case through a streamlined jury trial process. It sets out that the trial will have a six-member jury, with no alternates, and each side gets three peremptory challenges. If a juror is excused, the trial continues with five jurors needed for a verdict. Each party may present one lay witness, and evidence will include discovery materials and pre-approved documents. Certain objections to evidence are waived, and there are time limits for opening statements and summations. Requests to charge the jury are limited to issues not covered by standard instructions. The trial's judgment will be based on the jury's verdict. Both parties' attorneys must sign the form, indicating their and their clients' consent to these terms. www.FormsWorkflowcom

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