Uniform Commercial Arbitration Memorandum {10506} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New Jersey

 New Jersey   Statewide   Civil Division 
Uniform Commercial Arbitration Memorandum {10506} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New Jersey

Last updated: 5/21/2008

Uniform Commercial Arbitration Memorandum {10506}

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UNIFORM COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION MEMORANDUM (All Information Must Be Legibly Printed Or Typed) PLEASE RETURN TO: Number of Witnesses you are offering at Arbitration: _____________ Anticipated length of time for your presentation: _________________ 1. Brief factual outline as to your position: 2. Set forth disputed facts and issues by any party in outline form: 3. Provide facts that you anticipate will be undisputed: 4. Set forth legal issues to be addressed by arbitrator: 5. Please quantify elements of your alleged damages: 6. Set forth issues addressed in expert reports (attach copies): Revised 7/13/2000, CN 10506-English page 1 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com 7. Discuss mitigation of damages (if applicable): 8. Describe the basis for the defenses you assert to the complaint and/or counterclaim: 9. Have all parties been served: Yes Yes No No 10. Are any parties in default? 11. List any unserved and/or defaulted parties: 12. Should any special expertise be required by the arbitrator, e.g., should the arbitrator be familiar with a particular discipline and/or industry? If yes, please specify: I certify this information to be complete and accurate and that copies of this statement have been timely served on all adversaries pursuant to R. 4:21A-4. Signature of Attorney or Pro Se Litigant Date (Please print or type name) Attorney For NOTE: Information provided on this form can not be used for evidentiary purposes in any trial of this matter. Revised 7/13/2000, CN 10506-English page 2 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com

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