Motion To Dismiss Complaint - Strike For Failure To Answer Interrogatories {10915} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New Jersey

 New Jersey   Statewide   Civil Division 
Motion To Dismiss Complaint - Strike For Failure To Answer Interrogatories {10915} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New Jersey

Last updated: 4/28/2023

Motion To Dismiss Complaint - Strike For Failure To Answer Interrogatories {10915}

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MOTION TO DISMISS THE COMPLAINT OR TO STRIKE THE ANSWER FOR FAILURE TO ANSWER INTERROGATORIES. A MOTION is a written request which asks the court to issue an order, or to change an order it has already issued. You may use this packet only in cases where the other party has failed to provide you with complete answers to interrogatories and you have either (a) made an unsuccessful attempt to confer with that party to get the answers or (b) sent the party a letter stating that continued failure to answer the interrogatories will result in a motion being made to dismiss the complaint or to strike the answer.

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