Notice Of Early Arbitration Conference {37} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Nevada

 Nevada   County   Clark   District Court   Arbitration 
Notice Of Early Arbitration Conference {37} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Nevada

Last updated: 4/18/2024

Notice Of Early Arbitration Conference {37}

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ARB FORM 37 -- NOTICE OF EARLY ARBITRATION CONFERENCE. This form is used in the District Court of Clark County, Nevada to inform the attorneys for both the plaintiff and the defendant about an upcoming early arbitration conference. This conference is set pursuant to Nevada Arbitration Rule (NAR) 11 and takes place at the arbitrator's office or by telephone at a specified date and time. During the early arbitration conference, parties are expected to exchange documents, identify witnesses known to the parties, and formulate a discovery plan, including the types of discovery to be permitted and a timeline to complete the discovery in accordance with NAR 12. The form also includes a Certificate of Service confirming that the notice was served to the appropriate parties either by mail or e-service.

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