Request For Exemption From Arbitration {7} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Nevada

 Nevada   County   Clark   District Court   Arbitration 
Request For Exemption From Arbitration {7} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Nevada

Last updated: 10/10/2024

Request For Exemption From Arbitration {7}

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ARB FORM 7 - REQUEST FOR EXEMPTION FROM ARBITRATION. This form is used by a plaintiff or defendant in Clark County, Nevada, to request that a case be exempt from the Court Annexed Arbitration Program. It allows for either permissive exemption if the case involves significant public policy issues, unusual circumstances, or claims exceeding $50,000, or automatic exemption if it involves matters like class actions, real estate, medical malpractice, or other specific categories. The form requires a summary of facts and evidence supporting the exemption, along with certification that it does not contain personal information. Parties can oppose the request within seven days.

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