Private Arbitrator Stipulation And Affidavit {15} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Nevada

 Nevada   County   Clark   District Court   Arbitration 
Private Arbitrator Stipulation And Affidavit {15} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Nevada

Last updated: 10/10/2024

Private Arbitrator Stipulation And Affidavit {15}

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ARB FORM 15 - PRIVATE ARBITRATOR STIPULATION AND AFFIDAVIT. This form is used in the District Court of Clark County, Nevada, to document an agreement between the plaintiff and defendant to use a private arbitrator instead of a court-appointed arbitrator, pursuant to Nevada Arbitration Rules (NAR). Both parties and their attorneys must sign this stipulation before the deadline for returning the Arbitration Selection List. The affidavit section is completed by the arbitrator, who agrees to follow the Nevada Arbitration Rules, including adhering to the required timelines, and swears to this under oath before a notary.

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