Notice Of Withdrawal {PCT-IB-372} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Official Federal Forms

 PCT   International Bureau 
Notice Of Withdrawal {PCT-IB-372} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 5/2/2006

Notice Of Withdrawal {PCT-IB-372}

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PATENT COOPERATION TREATY PCT To: NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL The International Bureau of WIPO (PCT Rules 90bis.1, 90bis.2, 90bis.3 and 90bis.4) 34, chemin des Colombettes 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland Facsimile No: +41 22 740 14 35 Applicants or agents file reference International application No. International filing date (day/month/year) Applicant Priority date (day/month/year) 1. The applicant hereby withdraws: the international application identified above (Rule 90bis.1) (where the international application is withdrawn, the international processing of the international application will be discontinued (Rule 90bis.6(b)): the withdrawal is made conditional on its being received by the International Bureau in time to prevent international publication the designations specified below (Rule 90bis.2) (withdrawal of all designated States will be treated as withdrawal of the international application under Rule 90bis.1. In such a case, the check-box the international application should preferably be marked instead): the following designation(s): all designations except: the priority claim(s) specified below (Rule 90bis.3) (if multiple priorities have been claimed, this notice relates to the following priority claim(s)) (withdrawal of the earliest priority claim will result in the re-calculation of time limits which have not already expired (Rule 90bis.3(d))): the withdrawal is made conditional on its being received by the International Bureau in time to prevent international publication the demand (Rule 90bis.4) (where the demand is withdrawn, the processing of the international application by the International Preliminary Examining Authority will be discontinued (Rule 90bis.6.(c))) the election(s) specified below (Rule 90bis.4) (where all elections are withdrawn, the processing of the international application by the International Preliminary Examining Authority will be discontinued (Rule 90bis.6(c)). In such a case, the check-box the demand should preferably be marked instead): 2. ATTENTION: Under Rule 90bis.6(a), withdrawal of the international application, of any designation, of any priority claim, of the demand or of any election under Rule 90bis will have no effect in any designated or elected Office where the processing or examination of the international application has already started under Article 23(2) or 40(2). 3. Signature of applicant(s), agent or common representative (in order for the withdrawal to be effective, the notice of withdrawal must be signed by (all) the applicant(s), their appointed agent or appointed common representative. Where one of the applicants is considered to be the common representative under Rule 90.2(b), all applicants must sign (see Rule 90bis.5)). Date:Form PCT/IB/372 (January 2004)

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