Notification Of Receipt Of Record Copy {PCT-IB-301} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Official Federal Forms

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Notification Of Receipt Of Record Copy {PCT-IB-301} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 5/2/2006

Notification Of Receipt Of Record Copy {PCT-IB-301}

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PATENT COOPERATION TREATY From the INTERNATIONAL BUREAU PCT To: NOTIFICATION OF RECEIPT OF RECORD COPY (PCT Rule 24.2(a)) Date of mailing (day/month/year) IMPORTANT NOTIFICATION Applicants or agents file reference International application No. The applicant is hereby notified that the International Bureau has received the record copy of the inter national application as detailed below. Name(s) of the applicant(s) and State(s) for which they are applic ants: International filing date: Priority date(s) claimed: Date of receipt of the record copy by the International Bureau: List of designated Offices: ATTENTION: The applicant should carefully check the data appearing in this notifica tion. In case of any discrepancy between these data and the indications in the international application, the app licant should immediately inform the International Bureau. In addition, the applicants attention is drawn to the information co ntained in the Annex, relating to: time limits for entry into the national phase see updated important information (as of April 2002) requirements regarding priority documents (if applicable) A copy of this notification is being sent to the receiving Office and to the International Searching Authority. The International Bureau of WIPO Authorized officer 34, chemin des Colombettes 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland Facsimile No. +41 22 338 82 70 Telephone No. +41 22 338 XX XX Form PCT/IB/301 (October 2005) American LegalNet, Inc.<<<<<<<<<********>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 International application No. ANNEX TO FORM PCT/IB/301 INFORMATION ON ENTERING THE NATIONAL PHASE The applicant is reminded that the national phase must be entered before each of the designated Offices indicated on the cover sheet of this notification by paying national fees and furnishing transl ations, as prescribed by Articles 22 and 39 and the applicable national laws. In addition, the applicant may also have to comply with other special requirements applicable in certain Offices. It is the applicants responsibility to ensure that the necessary steps to enter the national phase are take n in a timely fashion. Most Offices do not issue reminders to applicants in connection with the entry into t he national phase. The applicable time limit for entering the national phase will, subject to what is said in the following paragraph, be 30 MONTHS from the priority date, not only in respect of any elected Office if a demand for international preliminary examination is filed before the expiration of 19 months from the priority date (see Ar ticle 39(1)), but also in respect of any designated Office, in the absence of filing of such demand, where Article 22(1) as modified with effect from 1 April 2002 applies in respect of that designated Office. For further details, see PCT Gazette No. 44/2001 of 1 November 2001, pages 19926, 19932 and 19934, as well as the PCT Newsletter, October and November 2001 and February 2002 issues. In practice, time limits other than the 30-month time limit will continue to apply, f or various periods of time, in respect of certain designated or elected Offices. For regular updates on the applicable time limits (20, 21, 30 or 31 months, or other time l imit), Office by Office, refer to the PCT Gazette (Section IV part published on a weekly basis), to the PCT Newsletter (on a monthly basis) and to the relevant National Chapters in Volume II of the PCT Applicants Guide (the paper version of which is updated usually twice a year and the Internet version of which is updated usually on a weekly basis) . Finally, a cumulative table of all applicable time limits for entering the national phase is available from WIPOs Internet site, via links from various pages of the site, including those of the Gazette, Newsletter and Guide, at Information about the requirements for filing a demand for international preliminary examination is set out in the PCT Applicants Guide, Volume I/A, Chapter IX. Note that only an applicant who is a national or resident of a PCT Contracting State which is bound by Chapter II has the right to file a demand for international preliminary examinat ion (at present, all PCT Contracting States are bound by Chapter II). REQUIREMENTS REGARDING PRIORITY DOCUMENTS For applicants who have not yet complied with the requirements regarding priority documents, the following is recalled. Where the priority of an earlier national, regional or international app lication is claimed, the applicant must submit a copy of the said earlier application, certified by the authority with which it was f iled (the priority document) to the receiving Office (which will transmit it to the International Bureau) or directly to the Internation al Bureau, before the expiration of 16 months from the priority date, provided that any such priority document may still be submitted to the International Bureau before the date of international publication of the international application, in which case that documen t will be considered to have been received by the International Bureau on the last day of the 16-month time limit (Rule 17.1(a)). Where the priority document is issued by the receiving Office, the appli cant may, instead of submitting the priority document, request the receiving Office to prepare and transmit the priority docume nt to the International Bureau. Such request must be made before the expiration of the 16-month time limit and may be subjected by the receiving Office to the payment of a fee (Rule 17.1(b)). If the priority document concerned is not submitted to the International Bureau and if the request to the receiving Office to prepare and transmit the priority document has not been made (and the c orresponding fee, if any, paid) within the applicable time limit indicated under the preceding paragraphs, any designated State may disre gard the priority claim, provided that no designated Office may disregard the priority claim concerned before giving the applicant a n opportunity, upon entry into the national phase, to furnish the priority document within a time limit which is reasonable under the circumstances (Rule 17.1(c)). Where several priorities are claimed, the priority date to be considered for the purposes of computing the 16-month time limit (and all other PCT time limits) is the filing date of the earliest app lication whose priority is claimed (Article 2(xi)(b)).Form PCT/IB/301 (Annex) (October 2005) American LegalNet

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