Notification Concerning Availability Of The Publication Of The International Application {PCT-IB-311} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Official Federal Forms

 PCT   International Bureau 
Notification Concerning Availability Of The Publication Of The International Application {PCT-IB-311} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 3/30/2016

Notification Concerning Availability Of The Publication Of The International Application {PCT-IB-311}

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PATENT COOPERATION TREATY From the INTERNATIONAL BUREAU PCT NOTIFICATION CONCERNING AVAILABILITY OF THE PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION To: Date of mailing (day/month/year) Applicant's or agent's file reference IMPORTANT NOTICE International application No. International filing date (day/month/year) Priority date (day/month/year) Applicant The applicant is hereby notified that the International Bureau: has published the above-indicated international application on ________________________________________________ under No. WO _______________________________________________ has republished the above-indicated international application on _______________________________________________ under No. WO ________________________________________________ For an explanation as to the reason for this republication of the international application, reference is made to INID codes (15), (48) or (88) (as the case may be) on the front page of the published international application. ­ A copy of the international application is available for viewing and downloading on WIPO's website at the following address: (in the appropriate field of the structured search, enter the PCT or WO number). ­ The applicant may also obtain a paper copy of the published international application from the International Bureau by sending an e-mail to or by submitting a written request to the contact details provided below. Warning: Following publication of the international application, applicants, agents and inventors may receive fraudulent requests for payment of fees that appear to come from the International Bureau of WIPO or other patent Offices which are unrelated to the processing of international applications under the PCT. Agents are particularly encouraged to be vigilant and alert their clients about this fraudulent practice. Examples of such requests for payment which have been received by the International Bureau can be found at: Please forward copies of any such requests to The International Bureau of WIPO 34, chemin des Colombettes 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland Facsimile No. +41 22 338 82 70 Form PCT/IB/311 (October 2015) Authorized officer Telephone No. +41 22 338 XX XX American LegalNet, Inc.

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