Notification Of Withdrawal Of Demand Or Elections {PCT-IB-339} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Official Federal Forms

 PCT   International Bureau 
Notification Of Withdrawal Of Demand Or Elections {PCT-IB-339} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 5/2/2006

Notification Of Withdrawal Of Demand Or Elections {PCT-IB-339}

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PATENT COOPERATION TREATY From the INTERNATIONAL BUREAU PCT To: NOTIFICATION OF WITHDRAWAL OF DEMAND OR ELECTIONS (PCT Rules 90bis.1 and 90bis.4 and Administrative Instructions, Section 415 (b) and (c)) Date of mailing (day/month/year) Applicants or agents file reference IMPORTANT NOTIFICATION International application No. International filing date (day/month/year) Applicant The applicant is hereby notified that the International Bureau received, on________________________________________, a notice effecting withdrawal of: the demand the election of the following States: for an ARIPO patent (specify all States or, if the withdrawal concerns only some St ates, specify those States only by indicating the two-letter country codes): for a Eurasian patent for a European patent (specify all States or, if the withdrawal concerns only some St ates, specify those States only by indicating the two-letter country codes): for an OAPI patent for a national patent (specify the States by indicating the two-letter country codes): ATTENTION The withdrawal does not affect the international application in respect to any elected State in which the national phase has already started. If they are affected by the withdrawal, the receiving Office, the Intern ational Searching Authority, the International Preliminary Examining Authority and the elected Offices concerned have been informed accordingly. The International Bureau of WIPO Authorized officer 34, chemin des Colombettes 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland Facsimile No. +41 22 338 82 70 Telephone No. +41 22 338 XX XX Form PCT/IB/339(October 2005) American LegalNet, Inc.

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