Application To Set Aside Adjudication {JC 66} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Michigan

 Michigan   Statewide   Juvenile 
Application To Set Aside Adjudication {JC 66} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 7/20/2021

Application To Set Aside Adjudication {JC 66}

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1. þ In the matter of þ þ en-USname(s), alias(es) þ 2. þ On en-USDateen-US , a disposition hearing was held because I was adjudicated, as a juvenile delinquent, of the þ þ following offense(s): en-US en-US . þ A certified record of the adjudication(s) is attached. þ þ I was not detained for the offense(s). þ þ þ I completed the term of detention for the offense(s) on en-US . þ 3. þ þ No other application has been filed to set aside this/these or any other adjudication(s) in any court. þ en-USOR þ þ One or more applications were filed to set aside adjudications and the applications are pending or were disposed. Copies þ of any applications and orders are attached. þ 4. þ I am 18 years of age or older. 5. þ At least one year has passed since the disposition was entered on my adjudication(s) or since I was released from detention þ for the adjudication(s). No criminal charges are pending against me. I have not been adjudicated for more offenses than þ allowed under MCL 712A.18e(1). I do not have an adult felony conviction. þ 6. þ I am requesting that multiple adjudications be set aside as one offense. These adjudications arose out of a series of acts þ that were in a continuous time sequence of 12 hours or less and displayed a single intent and goal. þ 7. þ I have completed the Michigan Youth ChalleNGe Academy. My certificate of completion is attached to this application. 8. þ I en-USrequesten-US that the court issue an order to set aside the above adjudication(s) as provided by law. I consent to the use of the þ nonpublic record created by MCL 712A.18e(13) to the extent authorized by MCL 780.623. en-USApplicant signature þ en-USAddress þ City, state, zip þ Telephone no. þ en-USSubscribed and sworn to before me on en-USDateen-US , en-USCountyen-US County, Michigan.en-USMy commission expires: en-USDate þ Signature: en-USDeputy clerk/Notary publicen-USNotary public, State of Michigan, County of en-US en-USThe hearing cannot be held until the court receives the Michigan State Police report required under MCL 712A.18e(5).en-USTO: Michigan Attorney General and en-USen-USA hearing will be held on the above application to set aside adjudication(s) on en-USDateen-US at en-USTimeen-USat en-USLocationen-US before en-USBar no.en-US .en-USNOTICE OF HEARING American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. Petition No. en-USI certify that copies of this application, certified record of adjudication(s), and notice of hearing were served on theen-US þ prosecuting official on en-USDateen-US by first-class mail addressed to the last-known address.en-US þ Attorney General on en-USDateen-US by first-class mail addressed to the last-known address.en-USI certify that copies of this application, certified record of adjudication(s), and the fingerprint card, accompanied by required fee, þ en-USwere served on the Michigan State Police on en-USDateen-US by first-class mail addressed to the last-known address. en-USDate þ en-USApplicant signatureen-USINSTRUCTIONS:en-USFor additional instructions and an online interview that will help you create forms, go to 1. þ Determine whether you are eligible to apply to have your adjudication set aside according to MCL 712A.18e. You must þ complete a separate application for each adjudication if you are applying to have more than one adjudication set aside. 2. þ Find out the exact date of adjudication and the charge from the court. Get a certified copy of the adjudication and attach it to þ your application. en-US3. Swear to the truth of the statements in this application and then sign it in the presence of the court clerk or a notary public.en-US4. Make four copies of all attachments and this application. Take all copies to the court clerk. 5. þ Depending on local practice, the clerk of the court may set a hearing date at the time of filing. If a hearing date is set at the þ time of filing, the clerk of the court will complete the Notice of Hearing. 6. þ Go to the local law enforcement agency for a fingerprint card and get fingerprinted on the applicant card (RI-8). There may þ be a fee for fingerprinting. Fill out the card completely. 7. þ Make out a money order or check to the State of Michigan for the application. The application fee is $25.00. This fee is sent þ with the application packet to the Michigan State Police for processing. 8. þ Mail a copy of the application packet, application fee, and the fingerprint card to the Michigan State Police by first-class mail þ to Michigan State Police, Criminal Justice Information Center - Criminal History, PO Box 30266, Lansing, Michigan 48909. 9. þ Mail a copy of the application packet to the Attorney General of the State of Michigan by first-class mail to Office of the þ Attorney General, Criminal Appellate Division, PO Box 30217, Lansing, Michigan 48909. 10. þ Mail a copy of the application packet to the correct prosecuting official where the conviction occurred (county, city, or þ township) by first-class mail. See for the addresses of þ county prosecutors. 11. þ On both copies of the application, fill in the Proof of Service on the back of the form. After you fill out and sign the Proof of þ Service, mail or take one of the remaining application packets with the completed Proof of Service to the court. Keep the þ other copy of the application packet for your records. en-USPROOF OF SERVICE American LegalNet, Inc.

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