Findings Following Putative Father Hearing {JC 106} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

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Findings Following Putative Father Hearing {JC 106} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 7/20/2021

Findings Following Putative Father Hearing {JC 106}

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Approved, SCAO PCS CODE: FPF TCS CODE: FPF STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL CIRCUIT - FAMILY DIVISION COUNTY FINDINGS FOLLOWING PUTATIVE FATHER HEARING CASE NO. PETITION NO. Court address Court telephone no. 1. In the matter of name, alias(es), DOB 2. Date of hearing: THE COURT FINDS: 3. Name is the putative father of: 4. A hearing was conducted in this matter pursuant to MCR 3.921(D). 5. The putative father was served in a manner that was reasonably calculated to provide notice to the putative father. 6. A preponderance of the evidence establishes that the putative father is the natural father of the minor and, pursuant to MCR 3.903(A)(7), he is allowed 14 days to establish his relationship with the minor. Good cause has been shown and the court extends this time to days. 7. There is probable cause to believe that another identifiable person is the natural father of the minor and the court shall proceed with respect to that person in accordance with MCR 3.921(D). 8. After diligent inquiry, the identity of the natural father cannot be determined and the court may proceed without further notice and without appointing an attorney for the unidentified person. 9. After proper notice was given, the putative father failed to appear at the hearing. The putative father a. waives all rights to further notice. b. waives the right to notice of termination of parental rights. c. waives the right to an attorney. 10. The putative father appeared at the hearing but failed to establish paternity within the time set by the court. The putative father a. waives all rights to further notice. b. waives the right to notice of termination of parental rights. c. waives the right to an attorney. Date Judge/Referee Bar no. Do not write below this line - For court use only JC 106 (9/16) FINDINGS FOLLOWING PUTATIVE FATHER HEARING American LegalNet, Inc. MCR 3.921(D)

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