Notice Of Hearing (Designated Case) {JC 67} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

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Notice Of Hearing (Designated Case) {JC 67} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 5/20/2022

Notice Of Hearing (Designated Case) {JC 67}

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Approved, SCAO STATE OF MICHIGAN CASE NO. JUDICIAL CIRCUIT - FAMILY DIVISION NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION NO. COUNTY (DESIGNATED CASE) Court address Court telephone no. In the matter of (name(s), alias(es), DOB) TO: TAKE NOTICE: A hearing will be held on at m., at Date Time before .Location Judge/Referee Bar no.FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSE: Arraignment Preliminary examination Designation hearing Pretrial Trial Review hearing Probation violation hearing Rehearing Other: Describe Mandatory review hearing: The court may revoke probation and impose sentence at this hearing. At the review hearing immediately preceding the juveniles 19th birthday, the court may extend jurisdiction over the juvenile or impose a sentence, including incarceration. Final review hearing: If the court determines that the best interests of the public would be served by imposing any other sentence provided by law for an adult offender, the court may impose the sentence, including incarceration. RIGHT TO AN ATTORNEY: The juvenile has a right to be represented by an attorney. If the juvenile wants an attorney, you should hire one immediately so the attorney will be ready on the hearing date. If you or those responsible for the juveniles support are financially unable or refuse to providean attorney, the court should be contacted immediately about a court appointed attorney. Court rules require the appointment of an attorney for juveniles in certain cases. If the juvenile falls under this category, an attorneywill be appointed by the court. PROBATION VIOLATION HEARING: The juvenile may be represented by an attorney, may remain silent, may confront and cross-examine witnesses against him or her, and may present witnesses in his or her favor although the juvenile is not entitled to a jury at a hearing on a violation of probation. If you require special accommodations to use the court because of a disability or if you require a foreign language interpreter to help you to fully participate in court proceedings, please contact the court immediately to make arrangements. CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I certify that on this date, copies of this notice were served upon the parties and/or their attorneys by ordinary mail addressed to the addresses shown unless otherwise indicated. Date Deputy clerk Do not write below this line - For court use only MCL 712A.2d, MCL 712A.18i,JC 67 (6/03) NOTICE OF HEARING (DESIGNATED CASE) MCR 3.920(C), MCR 3.951, MCR 3.952(B), MCR 3.956

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