Order Following Report On Restoration (Delinquency Proceedings) {JC 110} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

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Order Following Report On Restoration (Delinquency Proceedings) {JC 110} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 7/22/2021

Order Following Report On Restoration (Delinquency Proceedings) {JC 110}

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JIS CODE: PCS-ORR TCS-RORD Approved, SCAO STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL CIRCUIT - FAMILY DIVISION COUNTY Court address ORDER FOLLOWING REPORT ON RESTORATION (DELINQUENCY PROCEEDINGS) CASE NO. PETITION NO. Court telephone no. ORI MI- CTN/TCN SID DOB 1. In the matter of name(s), alias(es), DOB THE COURT FINDS: 2. An order was entered by this court to restore the juvenile to competency. 3. a. The qualified restoration provider has reported that there is substantial probability that the juvenile will remain incompetent to proceed. (Check item 5.) b. The following material allegations of the petition are dismissed because the juvenile was found incompetent. DISMISSED Count Incompetent ALLEGATIONS CHARGE CODE(S) MCL Citation/PACC Code c. The juvenile will likely remain incompetent to proceed for the foreseeable future or within the period of the restoration order. 4. The qualified restoration provider has reported that the juvenile is competent to stand trial. IT IS ORDERED: 5. The charges against the juvenile are dismissed. All reports submitted under MCL 712A.18n to MCL 712A.18q shall be sealed. a. The juvenile is released to Name(s) of parent(s), legal guardian, or legal custodian (Check item 6.) . b. Civil commitment proceedings shall be initiated as allowed under MCL 330.1498d. 6. The next hearing date is Date . Date Judge Bar no. Do not write below this line - For court use only MCL 712A.18s(4) JC 110 (10/13) ORDER FOLLOWING REPORT ON RESTORATION (DELINQUENCY PROCEEDINGS) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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