Order To Cancel State Income Tax Intercept {JC 62} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

 Michigan   Statewide   Juvenile 
Order To Cancel State Income Tax Intercept {JC 62} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 7/28/2023

Order To Cancel State Income Tax Intercept {JC 62}

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JC 62 - ORDER TO CANCEL STATE INCOME TAX INTERCEPT. This form is used in Michigan's Family Division to issue an order to cancel a state income tax intercept. The intercept was previously ordered by the court to withhold a certain amount of the individual's state income tax refund to reimburse the court for costs of care and/or services assessed in the case. The court finds that the amount has been paid either in full or in part, and as a result, the order to intercept the state income tax is cancelled. The Michigan Department of Treasury is directed to delete the intercept order from its records. The form includes a certificate of mailing, indicating that a copy of the order has been served to the person(s) involved by first-class mail to their last-known addresses. Approved, SCAO. MCL 712A.18(2), MCL 769.1(7). www.FormsWorkflow.com

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