Request By Panel Mediator To Incur Costs In Excess {ADR-23} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

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Request By Panel Mediator To Incur Costs In Excess {ADR-23} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Last updated: 8/20/2018

Request By Panel Mediator To Incur Costs In Excess {ADR-23}

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ADR-23, REQUEST BY PANEL MEDIATOR TO INCUR COSTS IN EXCESS OF $50.00. This form is used in the United States District Court for the Central District of California related to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) proceedings. The form includes a section for "Total Costs Requested" where the mediator is required to set forth the nature of the contemplated expenditures, the reason for the expenditures, the anticipated total amount, and any other relevant information for a determination that there is good cause for the expense to be incurred. If the mediator is planning to request reimbursement for mileage, the form requires that the mediator provide addresses and anticipated round-trip mileage. This information helps the parties involved in the ADR process make an informed decision about whether to approve or deny the request for additional costs.

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