Mediation Panel Application Form {ADR-19} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

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Mediation Panel Application Form {ADR-19} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Last updated: 2/1/2023

Mediation Panel Application Form {ADR-19}

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ADR-19, APPLICATION MEDIATION PANEL, Pursuant to Central District of California General Order 11-10. This form is used by individuals who wish to be considered for appointment to a mediation panel. This form is used pursuant to Central District of California General Order 11-10, which establishes the procedures for alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in civil cases. General Order 11-10 encourages the use of ADR in civil cases as a means of promoting efficient and cost-effective resolution of disputes. As part of this initiative, the court maintains a list of qualified mediators who may be appointed to assist parties in mediation. The ADR-19 form provides a mechanism for individuals who wish to be included on the court's list of qualified mediators to apply for consideration. The form requires information such as the applicant's name, contact information, educational and professional background, and experience in dispute resolution.

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