Invitation To Indicate Competent International Preliminary Examining Authority {PCT-RO-154} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

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Invitation To Indicate Competent International Preliminary Examining Authority {PCT-RO-154} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 11/25/2019

Invitation To Indicate Competent International Preliminary Examining Authority {PCT-RO-154}

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PCT/RO/154, INVITATION TO INDICATE COMPETENT INTERNATIONAL PRELIMINARY EXAMINING AUTHORITY (PCT Rule 59.3(f) and Administrative Instructions, Section 334). This form is used in the international patent application process to invite the applicant to indicate the competent International Preliminary Examining Authority (IPEA) for their international patent application. PCT Rule 59.3(f) provides that the applicant must select an IPEA, which will carry out an international preliminary examination of the application to determine whether the claimed invention meets the criteria for patentability under the PCT. The form also provides information on the selection of the IPEA, including the criteria for selecting an IPEA, the fees associated with the selection, and the deadlines for selecting an IPEA.

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