Notification Concerning Later Submitted Sheets Or Drawings {PCT-RO-126} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

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Notification Concerning Later Submitted Sheets Or Drawings {PCT-RO-126} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 7/14/2020

Notification Concerning Later Submitted Sheets Or Drawings {PCT-RO-126}

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PCT/RO/126, NOTIFICATION CONCERNING LATER SUBMITTED SHEETS NOT FOR INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE (PCT Rules 20.5 and 20.5bis, Administrative Instructions, Sections 310 and 310ter). This form is used in the context of international patent applications filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and is used by the receiving office (RO) to notify the applicant that later-submitted sheets of the international application will not be incorporated by reference. Under PCT Rule 20.5, the applicant is allowed to submit later-submitted sheets to correct obvious errors or omissions in the international application, provided that these sheets do not contain new matter. Similarly, under PCT Rule 20.5bis, the applicant is allowed to submit later-submitted sheets to correct errors or omissions in the sequence listing, provided that the corrections do not introduce new matter. However, if the later-submitted sheets contain new matter or are not for incorporation by reference, the RO will issue a notification to the applicant using the PCT/RO/126 form. The form will inform the applicant that the later-submitted sheets will not be incorporated by reference and will provide any relevant instructions or requirements.

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