Notification Concerning Copies Of Documents In The File {PCT-IB-366} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

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Notification Concerning Copies Of Documents In The File {PCT-IB-366} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 1/15/2020

Notification Concerning Copies Of Documents In The File {PCT-IB-366}

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PCT/IB/366, NOTIFICATION CONCERNING COPIES OF DOCUMENTS IN THE FILE (PCT Rule 94.1 as in force for international applications filed on or after 1 July 1998). This form is a specific notification issued by the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to the applicant of an international patent application filed on or after July 1, 1998, informing them of the availability of copies of documents in the file. Under PCT Rule 94.1, as in force for international applications filed on or after July 1, 1998, the applicant has the right to inspect and obtain copies of documents in the international application file, subject to certain conditions and restrictions. The notification informs the applicant of this right and provides information on how to obtain copies of the documents. The notification will typically include a list of the documents in the file, which may include the international application, amendments, correspondence with the International Bureau and receiving Office, and any other relevant documents. The applicant may request copies of any or all of these documents for their own records or to use in subsequent proceedings related to the application. It is important to note that the availability of copies of documents in the file under PCT Rule 94.1 is subject to certain conditions and restrictions, such as the need to protect confidential information or third-party rights. Therefore, the notification may also provide information on any limitations or conditions on the applicant's right to obtain copies of certain documents in the file. Overall, PCT/IB/366 serves as a formal notification to the applicant that they have the right to access and obtain copies of the documents in the international application file, which can be a valuable resource for monitoring the progress of the application and preparing for subsequent national or regional phase entry procedures.

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