Invitation To Correct Priority Claim {PCT-IB-316} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

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Invitation To Correct Priority Claim {PCT-IB-316} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 1/15/2020

Invitation To Correct Priority Claim {PCT-IB-316}

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PCT/IB/316, INVITATION TO CORRECT PRIORITY CLAIM AND/OR NOTIFICATION OF POSSIBILITY TO REQUEST RESTORATION OF THE RIGHT OF PRIORITY (PCT Rules 4.10, 26bis.1, 26bis.2(a) and (b), 26bis.3). This form is used in the context of international patent applications filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). Specifically, it is an invitation from the International Bureau of WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) to the applicant to correct the priority claim made in the application or to notify the applicant of the possibility to request the restoration of the right of priority. PCT Rule 4.10 requires the applicant to make a priority claim in the request for international filing, providing the date and country of the earlier application from which priority is claimed. PCT Rule 26bis.1 further provides that the International Searching Authority or International Preliminary Examining Authority may invite the applicant to correct any errors or omissions in the priority claim, and PCT Rule 26bis.2(a) and (b) provide that the International Bureau may similarly invite the applicant to correct the priority claim or to notify the applicant of the possibility to request restoration of the right of priority. If the International Bureau identifies any errors or omissions in the priority claim, it will issue an invitation to the applicant to correct them using the PCT/IB/316 form. The form requires the applicant to identify the specific corrections to be made and provide the necessary supporting documents. In addition, if the applicant did not claim priority in the request or failed to meet the time limit for claiming priority, the form may also notify the applicant of the possibility to request the restoration of the right of priority under PCT Rule 26bis.3. It is important for applicants to promptly and accurately respond to invitations to correct the priority claim or to request the restoration of the right of priority, as failure to do so may result in the loss of priority rights or the rejection of the application.

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