Supplementary Search Request {PCT-IB-375} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

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Supplementary Search Request {PCT-IB-375} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 7/22/2022

Supplementary Search Request {PCT-IB-375}

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PCT/IB/375, SUPPLEMENTARY SEARCH REQUES. This form is used in the international patent application process under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) to file a supplementary search request. This form is used under Rule 45bis.1 of the PCT. When an international search report has been established by the International Searching Authority (ISA), an applicant may file a supplementary search request if they believe that any new claims of the application have been added or if the claims have been amended. This request must be filed within a specified time limit and must identify the additional or amended claims. Rule 45bis.1 of the PCT sets out the specific requirements for a supplementary search request. According to this rule, the request must be in writing and must be filed with the International Bureau of WIPO within a specific time limit, which is usually two months after the receipt of the international search report. The request must also identify the additional or amended claims for which the supplementary search is requested. The purpose of a supplementary search is to ensure that the new or amended claims are also searched and considered by the International Searching Authority (ISA). The ISA will then issue a supplementary international search report on the additional or amended claims, which will be provided to the applicant and made available to the designated offices. This report can be used by the applicant to make informed decisions on the further prosecution of the application in different jurisdictions.

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