Notification Of The Recording Of A Change {PCT-IB-306} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

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Notification Of The Recording Of A Change {PCT-IB-306} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 1/15/2020

Notification Of The Recording Of A Change {PCT-IB-306}

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PCT/IB/306, NOTIFICATION OF THE RECORDING OF A CHANGE (PCT Rule 92bis.1 and Administrative Instructions, Section 422). This form is used in the context of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) for providing a notification of the recording of a change made to an international application. PCT Rule 92bis.1 allows the applicant to submit certain amendments or corrections to the international application after it has been filed, including corrections to bibliographic data, priority claims, and certain elements of the description and claims. If such changes are made, the International Bureau of WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) will record them and issue a notification of the recording of the change using the PCT/IB/306 form. The purpose of the PCT/IB/306 form is to inform the applicant or its agent that the change made to the international application has been recorded by the International Bureau, and to confirm the details of the change that has been made. This notification is an important step in the international application process, as it ensures that the applicant is aware of any changes made to the application, and can take any necessary steps to respond or provide additional information if required. It is important to note that some changes made to an international application may require further action by the applicant, such as the submission of additional documents or the payment of additional fees. Therefore, it is recommended that the applicant carefully review the notification of the recording of the change and take appropriate action as necessary.

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