Notification Concerning Written Opinion Of International Searching Authority {PCT-IB-337} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

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Notification Concerning Written Opinion Of International Searching Authority {PCT-IB-337} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 1/15/2020

Notification Concerning Written Opinion Of International Searching Authority {PCT-IB-337}

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PCT/IB/337, NOTIFICATION CONCERNING WRITTEN OPINION OF INTERNATIONAL SEARCHING AUTHORITY, AMENDMENTS OF CLAIMS AND SUPPLEMENTARY INTERNATIONAL SEARCH (PCT Rule 62 and Administrative Instructions, Sections 417(d) and 420(b)). This form is a notification issued by the International Bureau (IB) of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in accordance with PCT Rule 62 and Administrative Instructions, Sections 417(d) and 420(b). This notification concerns the Written Opinion of the International Searching Authority (ISA), amendments of claims and Supplementary International Search (SIS) in a PCT application. The Written Opinion is issued by the ISA and provides the applicant with a preliminary indication of the patentability of the claimed invention based on the results of the International Search Report (ISR). The Written Opinion is provided to the applicant at the same time as the ISR. PCT/IB/337 is used to notify the applicant of any amendments to the claims that have been filed in response to the Written Opinion and any indication of the need for a Supplementary International Search (SIS). The notification is issued by the International Bureau after receiving the Written Opinion and any accompanying amendments. The notification may also include information about any deficiencies in the amended claims, such as lack of clarity or support in the description. If the amended claims are not considered allowable, the applicant may be given an opportunity to respond and make further amendments. If the Written Opinion indicates the need for an SIS, the notification will provide information on the procedures for requesting and conducting an SIS. In summary, PCT/IB/337 is a notification that confirms the issuance of the Written Opinion by the ISA, and informs the applicant of any amendments to the claims and the indication of the need for a Supplementary International Search (SIS). It is used to ensure that all parties involved in the application are aware of the current status of the examination process.

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