Citation To Juvenile {400-00087} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Vermont

 Vermont   Statewide   Family Court 
Citation To Juvenile {400-00087} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Vermont

Last updated: 4/2/2021

Citation To Juvenile {400-00087}

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STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT FAMILY DIVISION Unit CITATION TO: (Name)BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF VERMONT, you are hereby ordered to appear before a Judicial Officer at the Unit Family Division of Vermont, at the following time and place: Da t e T im e T o w n / C i t y T o ans w e r t o th e charg e o f t h e f o l l o w i n g o f f ens e / d e l i nque n t a c t : [ ] Youthful Offender (if check ed , see page 2 for additional information A copy of petition & affidavit is available at the State222s Attorney222s office in the county in which you are cited to appear. IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR AT THE TIME AND PLACE ORDERED, AN ORDER WILL BE ISSUED FOR YOU TO BE PICKED UP AND BROUGHT TO COURT AND YOU MAY BE SUBJECT TO PENALTIES. Da t e I s s u e d : T o w n / C i t y C ou n t y S i gn a t ur e - I ss u i n g O ff i ce r P r i n t e d N a m e Ti t l e / D epa r tm e n t I received this Citation on: Date Signature NOTICE TO PARENT/GUARDIAN/CUSTODIAN (if the youth is under 18 years of age) parent, guardian, or custodian must go to court with the youth (33 V.S.A. 247 5108) IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR AT THE TIME AND PLACE ORDERED, A WARRANT MAY BE ISSUED FOR YOUR APPEARANCE. N a m e o f perso n s i g n i n g f o r c i t a t i o n A ddres s C h i l d i s i n l eg a l cu s t od y of : person signing citation DCF other: S i gn a t ur e - Iss u i n g O ff i ce r Ti t l e / D epa r tm e n t I received this Notice on: Date Signature ~ Parent/Guardian/Custodian 400-00087 226 Citation to Juvenile (12/2018)Distribution: State's Attorney, Officer, Child/Youth Page 1 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. NOTICE You have just been issued a CITATION to appear in COURT. This court appearance is called a PRELIMINARY HEARING. This notice tells you what to expect at the preliminary hearing and what you can do between now and then to prepare for it. A copy of petition & affidavit is available at the State222s Attorney222s office for all persons required to receive notice, at least 5 business days prior to the preliminary hearing date. The PETITION has information about the delinquent act as charged. The State's Attorney may refer this matter to the Diversion Program. Diversion is an alternative to court. For Youthful Offender cases only: willinformation regarding an assessment. If you fail to participate within the time frame specified, your opportunity to be considered as a Youthful Offender may be denied. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE YOU GET TO THE COURTHOUSE: 225You may want to speak to a lawyer so that you will understand what to expect.225If you cannot afford a private lawyer, 225Your parent, guardian or custodian must come to court with you if you are under the age of 18.WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN YOU GET TO THE COURTHOUSE Your parent, guardian or custodian must come to court with you, if you are under theage of 18. 225You are entitled to have a lawyer at the hearing.225I225If you do not have your own lawyer, a public defender will be in court and will speak with you beforethe preliminary hearing.225If your parent or guardian cannot afford a lawyer, the court will appoint one for you.225 At your hearing, the judge will explain your rights to you. The judge will ask you if you want to ADMITor DENY the charge.225The judge may set certain restrictions on you (such as curfew) while the case is pending. (These arecalled CONDITIONS OF RELEASE.) NOTE: ALL HEARINGS ARE CONFIDENTIAL AND CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO GIVE ANY PUBLICITY TO THESE PROCEEDINGS. 400-00087 226 Citation to Juvenile (12/2018)Distribution: State's Attorney, Officer, Child/Youth Page of 2 American LegalNet, Inc.

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