Intent To Pursue Or Withdraw Complaint - Relief From Abuse {400-00858} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Vermont

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Intent To Pursue Or Withdraw Complaint - Relief From Abuse {400-00858} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Vermont

Last updated: 8/3/2022

Intent To Pursue Or Withdraw Complaint - Relief From Abuse {400-00858}

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400-00858 - Intent to Pursue or Withdraw RFA (0/201) Page 1 of 2 S TATE OF V ERMONT SUPERIOR COURT F A M I L Y DIVISION Unit Docket No. Plaintiff DOB Defendant DOB INTENT TO PURSUE OR WITHDRAW COMPLAINT Relief from Abuse Check Appropriate Box I understand my request for emergency relief has been denied. I hereby withdraw my request for final abuse order sought under 15 V.S.A . 2471103. OR In spite of the fact that my request for emergency relief was denied, I intend to pursue my request for a final abuse order under 15 V.S.A . 2471103. I request a hearing be set. Signature of Plaintiff Date NOTICE OF HEARING Hearing will be held on: at AM PM IMPORTANT NOTICES INTENTION TO PURSUE OR WITHDRAW COMPLAINT FOR RELIEF FROM ABUSE PURSUANT TO 15 V.S.A. 2471103 INFORMATION FOR PLAINTIFF AND DEFENDANT ABOUT REPRESENTATION BY AN ATTORNEY Although you may represent yourself at any hearing during these proceedings, you may wish to consult with or be represented by an attorney. If you hire an attorney to represent you, your attorney is required to tell the court and the other party that they will be representing you. Both parties have the The Family Court Rule requires that such notice must be given to the opposing party or their attorney in person, by telephone, or in writing and it must be given far enough in advance of the hearing to permit them to hire an attorney too. If you do not provide such notice to the opposing party, and if the party without an attorney asks, the court will postpone the hearing for a reasonable time to allow the unrepresented party to obtain an attorney. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR DEFENDANT At the hearing to be held on the date and time specified on the face of this notice, the Court will decide on whether to issue or deny a final order. After the hearing, order may be issued, which may remain in effect as long as the judge decides, concerning relief from abuse, possession of the home and custody of the children. If you fail to appear at the hearing, an order may be issued against you granting the American LegalNet, Inc. 400-00858 - Intent to Pursue or Withdraw RFA (0/201) Page 2 of 2 RETURN OF SERVICE STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT F A M I L Y DIVISION Unit Docket No. I personally served: (check all that apply) Complaint, Affidavit and Temporary Order Order to Modify/Extend/Vacate Order Temporary Order Extended Final Order Final Order Extended Temporary Order Court Service Information Sheet Denial of Emergency Relief Intent to Pursue Amended/Modified Temporary OrderNotice of hearing Amended/Modified Final Order Upon by: Date: Time: AM PM Place: Date Name, Title and Agency Acceptance of Service I hereby accept service of this order. Fees Date Signature Service Fee Miles X $0. per mile (please type or print name) Total American LegalNet, Inc.

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