Agreement On Parental Rights And Responsibilities {400-00825} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Vermont

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Agreement On Parental Rights And Responsibilities {400-00825} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Vermont

Last updated: 8/3/2022

Agreement On Parental Rights And Responsibilities {400-00825}

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400-00825 226 Agreement on PR&R/Parent Child Contact & Provision Relating to Child (10/2018)Page 1 of 8 STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT FAMILY DIVISION Unit Docket No. Name DOB V. Name DOB AGREEMENT ON PARENTAL RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES, PARENT CHILD CONTACT and PROVISIONS RELATING TO CHILDREN This Parenting Plan is: (Choose only one) Agreed upon by the parties.Proposed by: .(Name of Parent) This Parenting Plan is: (Choose only one) Temporary.We request that the agreed upon provisions be made part of a temporary order and remain ineffect until a final order on parental rights and responsibilities and parent child contact is issuedby the Court.Final.All completed paragraphs shall be incorporated into a final order.Modification.A modification of a prior final order on parental rights and responsibilities and parent childcontact. The date of the prior order or plan is . This Parenting Plan is for the following children of the parties: Name of Child Date of Birth Name of Child Date of Birth A relief from abuse order involving the parties and/or these children: Is not in effect.Is in effect. Starting date for the plan: American LegalNet, Inc. 400-00825 226 Agreement on PR&R/Parent Child Contact & Provision Relating to Child (10/2018)Page 2 of 8 1.Legal Responsibilitya)Major Decisions:A parent with legal responsibility for a child has the responsibility to make decisions about variousmatters affecting a child's welfare including decisions about education, medical and dental care,religion, and travel arrangements. Shared legal responsibility can only be ordered by the court if bothparents agree.Decision making for the children shall be: (Check only one box)1. Shared.Both parents share in the responsibility for making major decisions. Unless emergency circumstances exist (see day to day decisions below), the parents will consult with each other and reach a decision that they both agree to before taking action on a major issue. (Note: If you decide to share decision making, you must also agree to a method for resolving disputes in paragraph 10.) 2. Primary. shall have primary legal responsibility and therefore the right and responsibility to make major decision for the child(ren) Optional provision for primary decision-making responsibility: The parent with primary legal responsibility shall consult with the other parent beforemaking a major decision. He/she shall advise the other parent in advance of the decision and theoptions he/she is considering. He/she shall give the other parent a meaningful opportunity to haveinput regarding the options prior to making a final decision.3. Divided.Decision making is divided between the parents. shall make decisions concerning: shall make all other decisions. b)Day to Day Decisions:Each parent shall make day-to-day decisions for the child(ren) during the time he/she is caring for thechild(ren). This includes any emergency decisions affecting the health or safety of the child(ren). Aparent who makes an emergency decision shall share the decision with the other parent as soon asreasonably possible.Other: (explain) 2.Physical ResponsibilityPhysical Responsibility is the responsibility to provide the routine daily care of a child. Physicalresponsibility can be held solely by one parent or may be shared by both parents. If physicalresponsibility is held primarily by one parent, it is subject to the other parent's right to parent childcontact. Shared physical responsibility can only be ordered by the court if both parents agree.Physical responsibility for the children who are subject to this order shall be: (Check only one box)Shared by both parents.Primary. shall have primary physical responsibility for the child(ren). American LegalNet, Inc. 400-00825 226 Agreement on PR&R/Parent Child Contact & Provision Relating to Child (10/2018)Page 3 of 8 3.Parenting Schedule (Parent Child Contact)a)Routine Schedule:Describe the routine weekly schedule for the child by inserting the initials or name of the parentwith who the child(ren) will spend the night. For days on which there is a transition, indicate thetime of transition from one household to another. Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Week 1 Week 2 Schedule is based on a plan that is longer than two weeks. An appropriate calendar in similarformat is attachedOther: (please describe) b)Holiday and Birthday Plan (Check appropriate box)No holiday/birthday schedule. Routine schedule applies regardless.Holiday and birthday parenting time shall be as parties agree.Holidays/birthdays that are checked below shall be shared. If a holiday/birthday is notchecked, the routine schedule shall apply. For each holiday/birthday, please describe thearrangement and the start and end times (For example: Thanksgiving: Alternatingschedule: Mother even years; Father odd years; starting after school on Wednesday prior toThanksgiving and ending Friday after Thanksgiving at 6 p.m.).Thanksgiving: Christmas Eve: Christmas Day: Mother's Day: Father222s Day: Child(ren)'s birthdays: Plaintiff s birthday: Defendant's birthday: July 4th Holiday: Other religious, civil and family celebrated special occasions: American LegalNet, Inc. 400-00825 226 Agreement on PR&R/Parent Child Contact & Provision Relating to Child (10/2018)Page 4 of 8 Three Day WeekendsNo three-day weekend schedule. Routine schedule or vacation schedule (for summerholidays)applies.The parent exercising parenting time on the weekend before a Monday holiday shall haveparenting time on that Monday holiday.Three-day weekends checked below shall be shared or alternated as described. If a three-dayweekend is not checked the routine schedule applies.M. L. King Day Presidents' Day Memorial Day Labor Day Other d)School Vacation Schedulei)December or Christmas VacationNo December vacation schedule. Routine schedule and/or Christmas holiday schedule applies.Beginning in the year 20, the December vacation shall be divided between the parents asfollows:The parent who has the child(ren) on Christmas Eve (as indicated in the Holiday scheduleabove) shall have the following additional parenting time:The parent who has the child(ren) on Christmas Day (as indicated in the Holiday scheduleabove) shall have the following additional parenting time:Beginning in the year 20, the December vacation shall be alternated as follows:Even numbered years with Odd numbered years with The choices above do not fit this parenting situation. Instead, the schedule for the child(ren)'sDecember vacation shall be ii)February and April School VacationsNo special schedule for mid-year school vacations. Routine schedule applies.Beginning in the year 20, the parents shall divide the vacations. The children shall be with: for the February vacation. for the April vacation.Beginning in the year 20, the parents shall alternate the vacations:February vacation: Even numbered years with Odd numbered years with April vacation: Even numbered years with Odd numbered years with American LegalNet, Inc. 400-00825 226 Agreement on PR&R/Parent Child Contact & Provision Relating to Child (10/2018)Page 5 of 8 The choices above do not fit this parenting situation. Instead, the schedule for the child(ren)during any midyear school vacations other than Christmas shall be: e)Summer VacationNo special schedule for summer vacations. Routine schedule applies.Beginning 20, the child(ren) shall be with each parent for weeks of uninterruptedvacation time as follows: Beginning 20, the child(ren)'s schedule during the summer shall be as follows: 4)Transportation and Exchange of Child(ren): (Check all that apply)Transportation arrangements person responsible for transporting the child(ren) shall be as follows: Unless both parents agree upon a different meeting place, the exchange of the child(ren) shall be at: Transportation costs shall be shared as follows: Other: 5)Parent Child Telephone Contact:The child(ren) shall be given privacy during their conversations with either parent. While thechild(ren) are with one parent, the other parent shall be permitted to speak by telephone with thechild(ren):At reasonable times.At th

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