Motion To Continue Court Hearing {400-00842} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Vermont

 Vermont   Statewide   Family Court 
Motion To Continue Court Hearing {400-00842} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Vermont

Last updated: 4/2/2021

Motion To Continue Court Hearing {400-00842}

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Form842STATEOFVERMONTSUPERIORCOURTFAMILYDIVISION UnitDocketNo.v. MOTION TO CONTINUE COURT HEARING 1. I am the: Plaintiff Plaintiff222s attorney Defendant Defendant222s attorney 2. I request a continuance of a court hearing scheduled on at a.m./p.m. Date of hearing Time of hearing 3. I received a notice from the court about this hearing on . 4. The reason for this request is: (Please check the reason that applies) Conflicting Court Dates: The date and/or time of this hearing conflicts with another scheduled court appearance. Date and time of conflicting court appearance: Name of Court: I have filed a continuance request in that court: Yes No Other Scheduling Conflict for myself or my client: please describe (Attorneys Please note: If conflict is due to a previously scheduled vacation, please note whether the court was informed of your vacation plans and, if so, when you provided notice.) Witness Unavailability: A witness I intend to call at this hearing is not available at the time of the hearing: Name of witness: Residence: Relationship to case (e.g. arresting officer): Substance of Testimony: Date on which witness notified of hearing date: American LegalNet, Inc. Date on which you were notified of scheduling problem: Reason for unavailability: If the reason is illness, this motion must be accompanied by an affidavit of a physician. See V.R.C.P. 40(d)(2) Litigant or Attorney Illness: please describe: (Please note, you may be required by the Court to document that you are unable to attend the hearing because of your illness. You may be required to file a letter from a doctor or other medical provider.) A report necessary for this hearing has not been completed. Please Explain: Other reason for request not listed above: Please describe: 5. Contact with other party/parties about this request I have contacted the other party/parties or their attorneys and My request is NOT opposed My request is opposed I have not contacted the other party/parties or their attorneys about this request. Please state reason for not contacting other party/parties or their attorneys: NOTE: If you have not made a good faith attempt to contact the other side regarding your motion and you do not have good cause for failing to do so, your motion may be denied. Date Signature Please Print Name 9/10 SML American LegalNet, Inc.

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