Last updated: 10/26/2023
Juvenile Probation Certificate {400-00106}
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400-00106 - Juvenile Probation Certificate (06/2019) Page 1 of 4 STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT FAMILY DIVISION Unit Docket No. In Re: DOB JUVENILE PROBATION CERTIFICATE Delinquency Youthful Offender Date of Adjudication: Date of Majority: Date of Disposition: To: You have been found by the Court to have committed the following delinquent act(s): At a hearing held on , the Judge placed you on probation. Failure to comply with the conditions of your probation certificate may result in a graduated sanction, a violation of probation filing, placement at Woodside, or incarceration at an adult correctional facility if you are 18 or older. A finding that you have violated your probation could result in additional probation conditions, an extension of the term of probation, a change in custody, placement at Woodside, or (if you are 18 or older) incarceration at an adult correctional facility. The Court orders that you follow these conditions while you are on probation: 1. You shall actively participate in a restorative process and complete all conditions set forth. Members that participate in the process will sign an agreement that restricts any discussion of your case to their participation in the panel process. In order to participate in the process, you will have to tell the members about the facts of your offense and take responsibility. The members of the restorative process shall not order financial restitution of more than $. 2. Perform hours of community service, to be completed by . 3. Pay restitution of $ dollars according to the following schedule: 4. For the duration of your probation, do not associate with the following individuals without prior approval of your probation officer: 5. You shall not harass, nor cause anyone else to harass, the following: 6. Do not go to the following place: , unless approved by your Probation Officer. 7. Be home at , or with your parent/guardian or other adult approved by the Court or probation officer during the following hours: to , unless modified by your probation officer. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com 400-00106 - Juvenile Probation Certificate (06/2019) Page 2 of 4 8 Do not have any weapons or other destructive devices on you or accessible to you at your home, including (but not limited to) firearms, ammunition, explosives, and bows. 9. When your probation officer reasonably suspects that you have been using drugs or alcohol, your probation officer may require you to submit to a urine and/or breath test for drugs or alcohol. 10. You shall successfully complete a treatment program at . 11. Be drug and alcohol free. Do not buy, possess, or use alcohol, marijuana, illegal drugs, or any regulated drugs unless they are prescribed to you by a medical provider. 12. Faithfully attend school or training at . 13. Work faithfully at or seek employment. 14. Remain within the State of Vermont unless granted permission to leave by your probation officer. 15. Reside at . 16. You shall submit to a drug or alcohol assessment and follow recommendations for treatment. 17. Notify your probation officer within 24 hours of any change of address or place of residence. 18. Report to your juvenile probation officer as directed. Answer all reasonable inquiries by your juvenile probation officer. 19. Allow your juvenile probation officer to visit you at reasonable times at home or elsewhere. 20. Sign appropriate releases of information to allow your probation officer to monitor the compliance with your probation conditions. 21 For Youthful Offender Only: Participate in electronic monitoring as directed by your probation officer and abide by all electronic monitoring, user agreements, controls and conditions as directed. 22. Other: Special Conditions Related to Sexual Offenses 23. You shall successfully enroll, participate in, and complete a program/treatment for sex offenders as directed by your probation officer or designee. 24. You shall not have any contact with your victim(s) (Victim222s Initials) (including letters, phone calls, tapes, visits, videos, electronically or any form of contact through a third party) unless approved and documented in advance by your probation officer. 25. You may not purchase, possess, or use pornography or erotica. You may not go to adult book stores, sex shops, topless bars. 26. You may not own, possess or use a camera, recorder, cell phone, or other electronic device that has recording capabilities, without prior permission of your probation officer or designee. If permission is granted you must enable your probation officer to access these devices to monitor compliance with probation conditions. 27. You may not access or loiter in places where children congregate; e.g., parks, playgrounds, schools, etc., unless otherwise approved and documented in advance by your probation officer. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com 400-00106 - Juvenile Probation Certificate (06/2019) Page 3 of 4 28. You will inform all persons who your therapist and/or probation officer determine should be informed of your sexual offending history. 29. Other: Discharge from probation is to be reviewed at a Review Hearing scheduled for months from the date of this order. Probation will be termed and be discharged on , unless that date is changed by order of the Court. Please circle the risk level as determined by YASI that supports your recommendation: Overall Protective Factors Overall Risk Level on YASI Recommended Length of Probation High Low Risk 0 - 3 months Moderate Risk 3- 6 months High Risk 622612 months Moderate Low Risk 3-6 months Moderate Risk 6-9 months High Risk 922612 months Low Low Risk 3-6 months Moderate Risk 6-12 months High Risk 1222624 months Dated Superior Court Judge American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com 400-00106 - Juvenile Probation Certificate (06/2019) Page 4 of 4 Youth222s Acknowledgment of Receipt of the Probation Conditions I, , have received a copy of this Probation Certificate. I have read the above conditions of probation and I have had them explained to me. I understand them and agree to follow them. I understand that violations of any of the conditions may cause the Court to issue a pick-up order for my apprehension. Additional conditions may be imposed upon me or I may be placed at the Woodside Juvenile Rehabilitation Center. I also understand that if I do not comply with any of the above conditions, if I am found by a judge to be delinquent in the future, or if I am later convicted of an adult crime, the Court may find me in violation of probation. I understand that the Court can then give me more conditions to complete and take other appropriate action, such as revocation of probation. 33 V.S.A 2475263(b). Parent/Guardian Acknowledgment I, , the parent/ guardian of , have read the above conditions of probation ordered by the Court and understand them. I agree to facilitate and support my child222s compliance with these conditions. I agree to attend treatment programs with my child as recommended by the treatment provider. 33 V.S.A. 2475263(c). I understand that adjudication of further delinquent acts, conviction of a crime, and / or violation of any of the above conditions is a violation of probation and may result in further court action. Signatures: Juvenile / Youth Date Parent / Guardian Date Parent / Guardian Date Guardian Ad Litem Date DCF Probation Officer Date DOC Probation Officer Date If you have any questions about the conditions of probation, please call: American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com
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