Petition Extension Of TIme To Pay Probate Fees {PC-401} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Connecticut

 Connecticut   Statewide   Probate 
Petition Extension Of TIme To Pay Probate Fees {PC-401} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Connecticut

Last updated: 6/22/2020

Petition Extension Of TIme To Pay Probate Fees {PC-401}

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Petition/Extension of Time To Pay Probate Fees PC-401 REV. 4/16 CONNECTICUT PROBATE COURTS RECEIVED: Instructions: 1) A party may use this form to request an extension of time to pay probate fees, including interest, in a decedent's estate pursuant to C.G.S. section 45a-107(l). A fiduciary may also use this form to request an extension of time to pay filing fees for the approval of an account or financial report in non-decedent estates pursuant to C.G.S. section 45a-108a. 2) The Probate Court may not waive interest that has accrued prior to approval of a petition for extension of time to pay fees. 3) Type or print the form in ink. District Number Probate Court Name Estate of Petitioner (List name, address and phone number) Decedent's Estate: Complete this section to request an extension of time to pay probate fees, including interest. Date of Death of Decedent:_________________ Original Due Date of Estate Tax Return:__________________ Due Date of Estate Tax Return with extension granted by Probate Court or DRS, if any: ____________________ Invoice Date:____________________________________ I represent that payment of probate fees in the above decedent estate by the due date of the tax return, or extension thereof, or within 30 days of the invoice date would cause undue hardship for the following reasons: Non-Decedent's Estate: Complete this section to request an extension of time to pay probate fees for accounts, including interest. Invoice Date:____________________________________ I represent that payment of probate fees for the allowance of an account or financial report in the above estate by within 30 days of the invoice date would cause undue hardship for the following reasons: Wherefore, it is requested that the court grant an extension of time for the payment of probate fees, including interest, for the above estate for the period of: 30 days 60 days Other: The representations made in this petition are made under the penalty of false statement. Signature of Petitioner Type or Print Name Date Signature of Petitioner Type or Print Name Date Petition/Extension of Time to Pay Probate Fees American LegalNet, Inc. PC-401

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