Pettition Consent Termination Of Parental Rights And Relative Adoption {PC-601} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Connecticut

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Pettition Consent Termination Of Parental Rights And Relative Adoption {PC-601} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Connecticut

Last updated: 9/13/2023

Pettition Consent Termination Of Parental Rights And Relative Adoption {PC-601}

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PC-601 - PETITION/CONSENT TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AND STEPPARENT, CO-PARENT OR RELATIVE ADOPTION. A parent or guardian, or other authorized person or agency under C.G.S. section 45a-715, may use this form to petition for termination of parental rights of a parent or parents of a minor child based on consent of the parent to be terminated in combination with an adoption by a stepparent, co-parent or relative. The relative must be a person descended from a common ancestor, whether by blood or adoption, but not more than three generations removed from the minor child. The petition should be filed in the court for the probate district in which the adoptive parent resides or in the case of a minor child who is under the guardianship of any child-care facility or child-placing agency, in the district in which the main or local office of the agency is located. A statement of facts in support of termination of parental rights based on consent must be completed by the petitioner. See page 3. The following documents should be filed with the petition: (a) birth certificate (long-form), (b) JD- FM-164, Affidavit Concerning Children, (c) JD-JM-60, Affidavit/Consent to Termination of Parental Rights, (d) Adoption Data Sheet, PC-680, and (e) Adoption Agreement, PC-681. Also file Confidential Sheet, PC-601CI, to submit confidential social security numbers. For more information, see C.G.S. sections 45a-715 et seq., 45a-724 et seq., 46b-115 et seq. and 52-231a and Probate Court Rules of Procedure, rule 4o. Type or print in ink. Use an additional sheet, or PC-180, if more space is needed.

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