Petition Immediate Temporary Custody {PC-501} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Connecticut

 Connecticut   Statewide   Probate 
Petition Immediate Temporary Custody {PC-501} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Connecticut

Last updated: 9/13/2023

Petition Immediate Temporary Custody {PC-501}

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PC-501 - PETITION IMMEDIATE TEMPORARY CUSTODY. An adult relative may use this form to petition for the appointment of an immediate temporary custodian of a minor child, if a petition for: a) removal of guardian, b) termination of parental rights, or c) appointment of a guardian of a minor child who has no guardian has been filed with the court. This form may also be used by an attorney for a minor child or by an adult who is not a relative, but who has actual physical custody of the minor child at the time the petition is filed. The petition should be filed in the court for the probate district in which the minor child resides, is domiciled, or is located at the time of filing the petition. If the petitioner is requesting immediate temporary custody pending termination of parental rights, the petition may also be filed where the petitioner resides. A Custodian’s Affidavit/Immediate Temporary Custody, PC-510, must be filed with the petition unless the minor child is in the custody of a parent and is hospitalized with a serious injury or illness, and the parent is refusing or unable to consent to treatment. In this case, a Physician’s Certificate/Immediate Temporary Custody, PC-550, must be filed instead of the PC-510. In addition, a birth certificate (long form) and JD-FM-164, Affidavit Concerning Children, should be filed with the petition. Also file Confidential Sheet, PC-501CI, with confidential social security numbers. Contact the court regarding payment of service of process and, if applicable, payment of newspaper notice publication. For more information, see C.G.S. sections 45a-607, 45a-603 et seq., 45a-706 et seq., 46b-115 et seq. and 52-231a. Type or print in ink. Use an additional sheet, or PC-180, if more space is needed.

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