Certificate Of Termination {13.6A} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Ohio

 Ohio   County (Court Of Common Pleas)   Franklin   Probate   Estate 
Certificate Of Termination {13.6A} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Ohio

Last updated: 9/1/2021

Certificate Of Termination {13.6A}

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en-USFRANKLIN COUNTY FORM E-13.6A - CERTIFICATE OF TERMINATIONen-USI certify I am the executor or administrator and the sole legatee, devisee or heir.en-USI further certify: þ (1) þ all debts and claims presented to the estate have been paid in full or settled finally; þ (2) þ en-USþ (3) þ all attorney fees have been [check one] þ waived by counsel of record, en-USþ paid to counsel of record in en-USthe amount of $ en-US; þ (4) þ en-USall fiduciary fees have been [check one] þ waived by the fiduciary, en-US þ paid to the fiduciary in the en-USamount of $ en-US; þ (5) all assets remaining after completion of the activities described above þ en-UShave been distributed to myself en-USas the sole legatee, devisee or heir. en-USFiduciary en-USAttorney for Fiduciaryen-USAttorney Registration No. en-USENTRYen-USen-USen-US þ þ en-USRobert G. Montgomery þ en-USProbate Judge American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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