Surviving Spouse Children Next Of Kin Legatees And Devisees {1.0} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

 Ohio   County (Court Of Common Pleas)   Franklin   Probate   Estate 
Surviving Spouse Children Next Of Kin Legatees And Devisees {1.0} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

Last updated: 9/24/2021

Surviving Spouse Children Next Of Kin Legatees And Devisees {1.0}

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PC-E-1.0 (Rev. 10-2002) PROBATE COURT OF FRANKLIN COUNTY, OHIO ROBERT G. MONTGOMERY, JUDGE LAWRENCE A. BELSKIS, JUDGE ESTATE OF CASE NO. , DECEASED SURVIVING SPOUSE, CHILDREN, NEXT OF KIN, LEGATEES AND DEVISEES [R.C. 2105.06, 2106.13 and 2107.19] [Use with those applications or filings requiring some or all of the information in this form, for notice or other purposes. Update as required.] The following are decedent's known surviving spouse, children, and the lineal descendants of deceased children. If none, the following are decedent's next of kin who are or would be entitled to inherit under the statutes of descent and distribution. Name Residence Address Relationship to Decedent Surviving Spouse Birthdate of Minor [Check whichever of the following is applicable] The surviving spouse is the natural or adoptive parent of all of decedent's children. The surviving spouse is the natural or adoptive parent of at least one, but not all, of decedent's children. The surviving spouse is not the natural or adoptive parent of any of decedent's children. There are minor children of the decedent who are not the children of the surviving spouse. There are minor children of the decedent and no surviving spouse. FORM 1.0 - SURVIVING SPOUSE, CHILDREN, NEXT OF KIN, LEGATEES AND DEVISEES 12/01/2002 American LegalNet, Inc. [Side 2 of Form 1.0] CASE NO. The following are the vested beneficiaries named in the decedent's will: Name Residence Address Birthdate of Minor [Check whichever of the following is applicable] The will contains a charitable trust or a bequest or devise to a charitable trust, subject to R.C. 109.23 to 109.41. The will is not subject to R.C. 109.23 to 109.41 relating to charitable trusts. Date Applicant (or give other title) American LegalNet, Inc.

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