Notice Of Probate Of Will {2.2} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

 Ohio   County (Court Of Common Pleas)   Franklin   Probate   Estate 
Notice Of Probate Of Will {2.2} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

Last updated: 9/20/2021

Notice Of Probate Of Will {2.2}

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PC-E-2.2 (Rev. 10-2002) PROBATE COURT OF FRANKLIN COUNTY, OHIO ROBERT G. MONTGOMERY, JUDGE LAWRENCE A. BELSKIS, JUDGE ESTATE OF CASE NO. , DECEASED NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL [R.C. 2107.19(A)] To: You are hereby notified that the decedent died on , , that the decedent's will was admitted to probate by this Court located at the Franklin County Courthouse, 3 73 South High Street, 22nd floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215, on , . This notice is given to all persons who would be entitled to inherit from the decedent had the decedent died intestate and to all legatees and devisees named in this will who do not waive notice. You are receiving this notice as: [check all of the following that apply] The Surviving Spouse. A person who would be entitled to inherit from the decedent had the decedent died intestate. A legatee or devisee named in the will. After a certificate is filed evidencing any notices given, any action to contest the validity of this will must be filed no more than three months after the filing of the certificate for estates of decedents who die on or after January 1, 2002, and no more than four months after the filing of the certificate for estates of decedents who die before January 1, 2002. Date Typed or Printed Name Address City State Zip Fiduciary Applicant for the admission of this will to probate Applicant for a release from administration Other interested person Attorney for any of the above Telephone Number (include area code) Attorney Registration No. FORM 2.2 - NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL 12/01/2002 American LegalNet, Inc.

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