Certificate Of Transfer {12.1} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Ohio

 Ohio   County (Court Of Common Pleas)   Franklin   Probate   Estate 
Certificate Of Transfer {12.1} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Ohio

Last updated: 9/1/2021

Certificate Of Transfer {12.1}

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en-USFRANKLIN COUNTY FORM en-US12.1A - CERTIFICATE OF TRANSFERen-US(PAGE 1)en-USCERTIFICATE OF TRANSFERen-USNO. en-US[Check one of the following] þ en-USDecedent died intestate. þ en-USDecedent died testate.en-USDecedent died on en-US owning the real property described in en-USthis certificate. The persons to whom such real property passed by devise, descent or election are as follows: en-USNameen-USResidenceen-USAddressen-USTransferee's shareen-USof decedent's interest en-US[Complete if applicable]en-US The real property described in this certificate is subject to a charge of $ en-US en-USin favor of decedent's surviving spouse, en-US in respect en-USof the unpaid balance of the specific monetary share which is part of the surviving spouse's total intestate shareen-USPC-E-12.1A (Rev. 2-2018)en-USPROBATE COURT OF FRANKLIN COUNTY, OHIOen-USROBERT G. MONTGOMERY, JUDGEen-USESTATE OF en-US, DECEASEDen-USCASE NO. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com en-USStreet address of this property: þ en-USPrior Instrument Reference:en-USParcel No:en-USThis Instrument was prepared by en-US.en-USCERTIFICATIONen-USI certify that this document is a true copy of the original Certificate of Transfer No. en-US issued on en-US and kept by me as custodian of the official records of this Court.en-USBy en-USDeputy Clerk en-USDateen-USISSUANCEen-USThis Certificate of Transfer is issued this en-US day of en-US , 20 en-US.en-USThe legal description of decedent's interest in the real property subject to this certificate is:en-US[use extra sheets, if necessary]en-USRobert G. Montgomeryen-USProbate Judgeen-USCASE NO. þ en-USRobert G. Montgomery þ en-USProbate Judgeen-USFRANKLIN COUNTY FORM en-US12.1A - CERTIFICATE OF TRANSFERen-US(PAGE 2) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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