Surviving Spouse Waiver Of Service Of The Citation To Elect {8.6A} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

 Ohio   County (Court Of Common Pleas)   Franklin   Probate   Estate 
Surviving Spouse Waiver Of Service Of The Citation To Elect {8.6A} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

Last updated: 9/24/2021

Surviving Spouse Waiver Of Service Of The Citation To Elect {8.6A}

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PC-E-8.6A (Rev. 6-2004) PROBATE COURT OF FRANKLIN COUNTY, OHIO ROBERT G. MONTGOMERY, JUDGE LAWRENCE A. BELSKIS, JUDGE ESTATE OF CASE NO. , DECEASED WAIVER OF SERVICE BY SURVIVING SPOUSE OF THE CITATION TO ELECT [R.C. 2106.01(A)] The undersigned, surviving spouse of the above named decedent, being eighteen years of age or older and not under disability , waives the service of the citation required by section 2106.01(A) of the Revised Code. I acknowledge I have received Standard Probate Form 8.3, Summary of General Rights of Surviving Spouse. I understand that most of my rights must be exercised within five months from the date of the initial appointment of the administrator or executor. If I do not timely elect to exercise any specific right, it will be conclusively presumed I have elected not to exercise that right and the right will be forfeited. Attorney for Fiduciary Typed or Printed Name Address City, State, Zip Telephone Number [include area code] Attorney Registration No. Signature of Surviving Spouse Typed or Printed Name Address City, State, Zip Telephone Number (including area code) Date: FRANKLIN COUNTY FORM 8.6A - WAIVER OF SERVICE BY SURVIVING SPOUSE OF THE CITATION TO ELECT American LegalNet, Inc. 4/8/04

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