Supplemental Application For Ancillary Administration {4.1} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

 Ohio   County (Court Of Common Pleas)   Franklin   Probate   Estate 
Supplemental Application For Ancillary Administration {4.1} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

Last updated: 9/24/2021

Supplemental Application For Ancillary Administration {4.1}

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Data Save Enabled PC-E-4.1A (Rev. 8-2014) PROBATE COURT OF FRANKLIN COUNTY, OHIO ROBERT G. MONTGOMERY, JUDGE ESTATE OF CASE NO. , DECEASED SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION FOR ANCILLARY ADMINISTRATION Applicant says that the decedent named in the attached application for authority to administer the estate died [Check one of the following] owning property in this County. having a debtor residing in this county. Applicant is a resident of Ohio. [Check one of the following] Applicant is the general executor named in decedent's Will, and is duly appointed, qualified and acting in that capacity in the State of . An authenticated copy of the letter of authority is attached. Applicant is named in decedent's Will as executor of the Ohio estate. Applicant is a resident of this county. Decedent either died intestate, or did not designate in the Will an Ohio executor. No domiciliary administration has been commenced. [Check if applicable] An authenticated copy of decedent's Will, duly proved in another state, is attached and offered for record. The estimated value of decedent's Ohio estate is $ . Attorney for Applicant Typed or Printed Name Address City, State, Zip Code Telephone Number (include area code) Attorney's Registration No. Applicant's Signature Typed or Printed Name Address City, State, Zip Code Telephone Number (include area code) Reset Form FORM 4.1A - SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION FOR ANCILLARY ADMINISTRATION American LegalNet, Inc.

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