Entry Authorizing Sale Of Personal Property {9.1} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

 Ohio   County (Court Of Common Pleas)   Franklin   Probate   Estate 
Entry Authorizing Sale Of Personal Property {9.1} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

Last updated: 9/9/2021

Entry Authorizing Sale Of Personal Property {9.1}

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PC.E-9.1 (Rev. 1-2001) PROBATE COURT OF FRANKLIN COUNTY, OHIO LAWRENCE A. BELSKIS, JUDGE ROBERT G. MONTGOMERY,JUDGE ESTATE OF CASE NO. , DECEASED ENTRY AUTHORIZING SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY The Court finds that the sale of certain personal property of decedent, pursuant to the fiduciary's application and its attached schedule, is not prohibited by law and will be in the best interests of the estate. It is hereby ordered: [check the applicable boxes] That the fiduciary is authorized to sell the personal property in accordance with the terms and conditions as set forth in the application. That the fiduciary is authorized to sell the personal property in accordance with the terms and conditions as set forth in the application, except as follows: [Check if applicable] The time has not expired within which the surviving spouse may elect to purchase personal property at its appraised value; the surviving spouse has not consented to the sale, and the property is not perishable. It is therefore further ordered that the fiduciary serve at least ten days notice of the sale to the surviving spouse, as provided by law. Date LAWRENCE A. BELSKIS ROBERT G. MONTGOMERY Probate Judge Judge FRANKLIN COUNTY FORM 9.1 - ENTRY AUTHORIZING SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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