Affidavit In Support Of | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Georgia

 Georgia   Local County   Fulton   Superior Court   Family Division 
Affidavit In Support Of | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Georgia

Last updated: 5/16/2016

Affidavit In Support Of

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IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF FULTON COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA FAMILY DIVISION In re the Family of: Petitioner: and Respondent: Judge's Name: Civil Action File No: Affidavit in Support of I, ______________________________ , hereby swear and affirm that I have personal knowledge that [Print or type your name] the following facts are true and accurate: I am the [check one] Petitioner Respondent a witness in the above styled action, and I submit this affidavit in support of _____________________________________ . The reasons I support this are the following: This [date] day of [month] , [year] . [Sign your name here in front of a Notary] Name [Print or Type] [Address] Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , [Telephone] NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: [Notary Seal] Last Revised 12/17/2015 10:09:00 AM American LegalNet, Inc.

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