30-Day Joint Compliance Worksheet | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Georgia

 Georgia   Local County   Fulton   Superior Court   Family Division 
30-Day Joint Compliance Worksheet | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Georgia

Last updated: 11/8/2010

30-Day Joint Compliance Worksheet

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Date: 30 DAY JOINT COMPLIANCE WORKSHEET CASE STYLE: Petitioner CASE NUMBER: Related Case Number: Attorney for Petitioner (or Petitioner, if Pro Se) (name & address) and Respondent Filing Date: Service Date: Attorney for Respondent (or Petitioner, if Pro Se) (name & address) TELEPHONE NUMBER: ( ) TELEPHONE NUMBER: ( ) TYPE OF CASE: Divorce Legitimation Divorce with Children Visitation Custody Child Support Separate Maintenance Modification Paternity Other: CASES WITH CHILDREN: Names No. of Children involved: ________ Gender Date of Birth ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ISSUES REGARDING THE CHILDREN: Petitioner is seeking the following: Legal Custody: Sole or Joint Physical Custody: Sole or Joint Visitation Child support: Direct or Through Child Support Registry Other: _________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Respondent is seeking the following: Legal Custody: Sole or Joint Physical Custody: Sole or Joint Visitation Child support: Direct or Through Child Support Registry Other: _________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 30-Day Joint Compliance Worksheet Fulton County Family Division American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Have the parties attended the Children of Divorce Seminar? (Check if they have) Petitioner Respondent ISSUES INVOLVING DIVORCE: Date of Marriage: ________________________ Date of Separation: ________________________ Date of Divorce: ________________________ REQUEST FOR SERVICES FOR PARTIES: APPOINT Guardian ad Litem OR TO BE DETERMINED The parties agree to use the following Guardian ad Litem: (name, address, and telephone number of guardian) _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ The parties prefer a Court Appointed Guardian ad Litem. The expense will be borne by: Petitioner Respondent Both parties Equally To be determined MEDIATION OR TO BE DETERMINED The parties agree to use the following private mediator: : (name, address, and telephone number of mediator) _________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ The expense will be borne by: Petitioner Respondent Both parties Equally To be determined The parties prefer to attend Court Sponsored Mediation COOPERATIVE PARENTING CHILDREN'S DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION OR OR OR TO BE DETERMINED TO BE DETERMINED TO BE DETERMINED By Dr. ________ of Fulton County Family Division By a Doctor chosen by the parties: (name, address, and telephone number of psychologist) _______________________________________________________________________________________ The Parties each choose a doctor and that doctor then chooses the psychologist. The expense will be borne by: Petitioner Respondent Both parties Equally To be determined LATE CASE EVALUATION OR TO BE DETERMINED SUBSTANCE ABUSE TESTING AN/OR COUNSELING OR TO BE DETERMINED The expense will be borne by: Petitioner Respondent Both parties Equally To be determined OTHER_______________________________________________________________________________ THESE REQUESTS MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE CONCLUSION OF THE 60-DAY STATUS CONFERENCE, UNLESS FOR GOOD CAUSE SHOWN. 30-Day Joint Compliance Worksheet Fulton County Family Division American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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