Last updated: 1/12/2017
Answers To Interrogatories
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IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF FULTON COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA FAMILY DIVISION , Petitioner, and , Respondent. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Civil Action File No. ANSWERS TO INTERROGATORIES No later than thirty (30) days from the filing of the Complaint, each party is required to serve answers to these Interrogatories to the other party in any proceeding for request of temporary relief or permanent financial relief including, but not limited to, a request for support, alimony, equitable division of property, attorney's fees or other financial payments and to file a certificate indicating that the Answers to Interrogatories were served, the date of service, and the persons served. Where the answer to an interrogatory may be derived, or explained from business records of the party required to answer these Interrogatories or from an examination, audit or inspection of business records, or from a compilation, abstract, or summary based on records, and the burden of deriving or explaining the answer is substantially the same for the party answering these Interrogatories, it is, sufficient to answer the interrogatory by identifying and attaching the records which explain or provide the answer: 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: a. State your full legal name and any other name by which you have been known: . State your present residence and employment or business addresses and telephone numbers: . State the name, age and relationship to you of each person residing at your present address: . List all business, commercial, and professional licenses which you now hold or which you have held in the last three (3) years: . b. c. d. Answers to Interrogatories Fulton County Family Division American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com e. List all of your education after high school, including but not limited to, vocational or specialized training, including the following: Degrees or certificates obtained. Name and address of each educational institution. Dates of attendance. 2. EMPLOYMENT: For each place of your employment or self-employment during the last three (3) years, state the following information: Name, address, and telephone number of your employer Dates of employment Job title and brief description of job duties Starting and ending salaries Name of your direct supervisor NOTE: If you have been unemployed at any time during the last three (3) years, show the dates of unemployment. If you have not been employed at any time in the last three (3) years, give the requested information for your last period of employment. Answers to Interrogatories Fulton County Family Division 3. INCOME: American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com a. For each of the last three (3) years, state the following information: The amount of income you received from each source, including earned, passive, and investment income and capital gains. Each source of your income b. For each of your present employment, self-employment, business, commercial, or professional activities, state the following information: How often and on what days you are paid. An itemization of your gross salary, wages, and income, and all deductions from that gross salary, wages, and income. Any additional compensation or expense reimbursement, including, but not limited to, overtime, bonuses, profit sharing, insurance, expense account, automobile or automobile allowance that you have received or anticipate receiving. Type of employment 4. CLAIM OF NON-MARITAL PROPERTY INTEREST: Do you own personal or real property or sums of money which you claim as your separate or non-marital property? If so, please describe the property in detail and explain with Answers to Interrogatories Fulton County Family Division specificity why you believe that it constitutes your separate or non-marital property. "Nonmarital" means you had this asset before the marriage or received it by personal gift or American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com inheritance during the marriage. List the total value of each asset. "Value" means what you believe to be the fair market value of the item or property: ___ ______ _____ _____ . 5. PROPERTY HELD BY OTHERS Is there any property held by any third party over which you have any control? If your answer is yes, indicate whether the property is shown on the Financial Assets completed by you. If it is not, describe and identify each such asset and state its present value and the basis for your valuation. Also, identify the person holding the asset. Asset Present Value Basis of Valuation Person Holding Asset 6. INSURANCE a. Identify each health, life, automobile, and disability insurance policy or plan that you now own or that covers you, your children, or your assets. State the policy type, policy number and name of company. Identify the agent and give the address. Policy Type Policy Number Name of Insurance Company Agent & Address b. State the amount you pay for life insurance premiums on your life for the benefit for the amount of child(ren) involved in this case. 7. CHILDREN'S EXPENSES Where applicable, state the regular cost, on a monthly basis, of the following child related expenses incurred on behalf of the child(ren). If any of these expenses did not incur prior to Answers to Interrogatories Fulton County Family Division six (6) months before the filing of this action, state when responsibility for the payment began. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Child care costs related to your work or employment Private school and extraordinary educational expenses Tutoring and private lessons Extracurricular activities Summer and sports camps The portion of health insurance premium payments for child(ren) only Child(ren's) extraordinary medical expenses Health care expenses not covered or paid by the insurance carrier, including co pays and deductibles Your reasonable and necessary travel expenses for exercising parenting time/visitation time with your children, and the month and year you began paying these expenses. 8. GIFTS List any gifts you have made without the consent of your spouse in the past twenty-four (24) months, their value and the recipients. Description of Gift Value Recipient 9. AGREEMENTS Did your spouse and you make any written agreements before or during your marriage or after your separation that affect the disposition of assets, debts, or support in this proceeding? If your answer is yes, for each agreement, state the dates made, and attach a copy of the agreement. 10. LEGAL ACTIONS