Last updated: 2/12/2019
Required Documents To Be Produced
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IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF FULTON COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA FAMILYDIVISION , ) ) Petitioner,) ) Civil Action File No. and ) ) , ) ) Respondent. ) ) REQUIRED DOCUMENTS TO BE PRODUCED No later than thirty (30) days from the filing of the Complaint, each party shall be required to serve the following documents to the other party in any proceeding for a request for temporary relief or permanent financial relief including, but not limited to, a request for child support, alimony, equitable division of property, attorney222s fees or other financial payments and to file a certificate indicating the Required Documents were served on the other party, the date of service, and the persons served: 1.Domestic Relations Financial Affidavit as provided in the mandated discoveryprovisions of the Family Division Rules.2.All federal and state income tax returns, gift tax returns and intangible and personalproperty tax returns filed by you or on your behalf for the past three (3) years.3.IRS forms W-2, 1099 and K-1 for the past year, if the income tax return for that yearhas not been prepared. Also, if the income tax return has not been prepared, a year-ending pay stub received from your employer should be provided.4.Pay stubs or other evidence of earned income for the twelve (12) months prior to thefiling of the action.5.A statement by you identifying the amount and source of all income received fromall sources during the twelve (12) months preceding the filing of this action if sameis not reflected on the pay stubs produced.6.Evidence of all self-employment income during the twelve (12) months prior to thefiling of this action. This shall include, but not be limited to, financial statements,bank statements, statements of accounts receivable and payable, and otherRequired Documents to be Produced Fulton County Family Division American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com documents relating to income from business operations, work as an independent contractor or consultant, sales of goods and services, and rental properties, less ordinary and reasonable expenses necessary to produce self-employment income. 7. Evidence of all rental income received and expenses incurred during the twelve (12) months prior to filing of this action. You may provide an accounting of expenses and payments received that can be verified by other available documentation. 8. Documents and records of all social security payments, disability payments, and retirement benefits received during the twelve (12) months prior to the filing of this action. Your annual statement compiled by the Social security Administration shall be produced. 9. All loan applications and financial statements prepared or used within the three (3) years preceding the filing date of this action, whether used for the purpose of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for any other purpose. 10. The most recent statement for any liquid fund assets, including, but not limited to, profit-sharing, 401-K, money market, stock and securities, bonds, accounts, retirement and pension plan. 11. Corporate, partnership and trust tax returns for the last three (3) tax years, if you have an interest in a corporation, partnership or trust. 12. All written pre-marital or marital agreements entered into at any time between you and your spouse, whether before or during the marriage. 13. All court orders directing you to pay or receive spousal or child support, even if received from or paid to a third party. You must provide proof that the payments are actually being paid as evidenced by documentation including but not limited to, payment history from a court clerk, a IV-D agency (as defined in O.C.G.A. 247 19-6-31), the Child Support Enforcement Agency222s computer data base, the child support payment history, canceled checks, or other written proof of payments paid directly by or to the other party. 14. A summary statement that can be supported by other documents or records in your possession or control evidencing the following expenses incurred on behalf of your minor children (for whom support is being determined in this action) during the twelve (12) months preceding the filing of this action: a. Child care costs related to your work or employment b. Private school and extraordinary educational expenses c. Tutoring and private lessons d. Extracurricular activities e. Summer and sports camps Required Documents to be Produced Fulton County Family Division American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com f. Health insurance premium payments (portion for children only) and extraordinary medical expenses g. Health care expenses not covered or paid by insurance carrier (including co pays and deductibles) h. Your reasonable and necessary travel expenses for exercising parenting time/visitation time with your children i. Minor children living in the family household that you have a legal duty to support (not to include step-children) but are not the children of both parties in this action. 15. Proof of payment of life insurance premium payments that you pay on your life for the benefit of the minor children involved in this case. 16. For any business (as defined in the Family Division Domestic Relations Financial Affidavit) in which you have any interest, produce the documents listed below. If any documents are not readily available to you, produce such documents as soon as available and, in any event, within sixty (60) days from the date of filing this action. a. Complete federal, state and other governmental tax returns of any kind for the last three (3) years filed by the Business; and b. Annual balance sheets and profit and loss statements for the most recent three (3) years and quarterly, monthly and 223year-to-date224 financial statements for the current fiscal year; and c. A statement of current accounts receivable and accounts payable; and d. A statement of all current loans and payables, if any, you owe to the Business and all loans or other payables the Business owes to you; and e. All evaluations or appraisals you have received stating the value of the Business or your interest in the Business during the last three (3) years. Required Documents to be Produced Fulton County Family Division American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com I AM AWARE THAT ANY FALSE STATEMENT KNOWINGLY MADE WITH THE INTENT TO DEFRAUD OR MISLEAD SHALL SUBJECT ME TO THE PENALTY FOR PERJURY AND MAY BE CONSIDERED A FRAUD UPON THE COURT. I DECLARE THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND THAT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS FORM CONSTITUES A COMPLETE AND FULL DISCLOSURE OF MY FINANCIAL CONDITION. Printed Name Address City State Zip Telephone (area code and number) Facsimile (area code and number) STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF Sworn to and subscribed before me on this day of , 20. NOTARY PUBLIC (Print, type or stamp commissioned name of notary) Required Documents to be Produced Fulton County Family Division American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com