Last updated: 5/17/2016
Petition For Annulment
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SUPERIOR COURT OF FULTON COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA FAMILY DIVISION , Civil Action Petitioner, v. , Respondent. PETITION FOR ANNULMENT My name is and I am representing myself in this ANNULMENT action. In support of my case, I state as follows: Case Number __________________ 1. Subject Matter Jurisdiction: I am the Petitioner in this action and: [Check only one of the following, either (a) or (b).] __ (a) I have been a resident of the State of Georgia for six months or more. __ (b) I am not a resident of the State of Georgia, but the Respondent has been a resident of the State of Georgia for six months or more. __ (c) I have been a resident of the State of Georgia for less than six months, but the Respondent has been a resident of the State of Georgia for six months or more. 2. Venue: The Respondent's name is [check one of the following] __ (a) The Respondent is a resident of Fulton County and is subject to the jurisdiction of this Court. . __ (b) The Respondent is a resident of Georgia in County, and I live in Fulton County. The Respondent has acknowledged service of process and consented to the jurisdiction and venue of this Court. __ (c) The Respondent is not a resident of the State of Georgia, but I am a resident of Fulton County, Georgia, and: [Check one of the following] __ (1) The Respondent has never resided in the State of Georgia and currently resides in the State of . __ (2) The Respondent has acknowledged service of process and consented to the jurisdiction and venue of this Court. Petition for Annulment -- Rev. February 2016 Provided by the Fulton Family Law Information Center American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com __ (3) I am a resident of Fulton County and the Respondent's whereabouts are unknown to me. I am filing my Affidavit of Diligent Search with this Petition, and incorporate it here by reference. 3. Service of Process: The Respondent shall be served as provided under OCGA § 9- 11-4, in the following manner: [Check one of the following, either (a), (b), or (c).] __ (a) The Respondent has acknowledged service of process. I am filing the Acknowledgement of Service (which has been signed by the Respondent) with this Petition. __ (b) The Respondent may be served by the Sheriff's Department at the Respondent's __ home __ work address, which is: __ (Check only if the Respondent lives outside Fulton County.) The Respondent resides outside of Fulton County, and shall therefore be served by second original, as provided under OCGA § 9-10-72. Service shall be made by the sheriff's department of the county where the Respondent resides. __ (c) The Respondent's whereabouts are unknown to me. I am filing my Affidavit of Diligent Search with this Petition. The Respondent shall be served by publication as provided under OCGA § 9-11-4(e)(1) for those who cannot be found within the State of Georgia. To the best of my knowledge, the Respondent's last known address is: 4. Date of Marriage: The Respondent and I entered into a purported marriage on . 5. Date of Separation: The Respondent and I separated on and have since that date continued to live in a state of separation. 6. 7. The Respondent and I have no children born of this purported marriage. Property: __ (a) Respondent and I do not have any jointly owned property. __ (b) Respondent and I have already divided our jointly owned property to our mutual satisfaction. Petition for Annulment -- Rev. February 2016 Provided by the Fulton Family Law Information Center American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com 8. __ (c) Respondent have the following property that needs to be divided by the Court: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ __(d) The Court does not have jurisdiction to decide this because I am serving Respondent by publication. Debts: __ (a) Respondent and I do not have any joint debts. __ (b) Respondent and I have already divided our joint debts to our mutual satisfaction. __ (c) Respondent have the following joint debts that need to be divided by the Court: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ __(d) The Court does not have jurisdiction to decide this because I am serving Respondent by publication. 9. Alimony: (choose one) __(a) I do not want temporary alimony from Respondent. __(b) Respondent should pay me temporary alimony. __(c) The Court does not have jurisdiction to decide this because I am serving Respondent by publication. Former name: __I wish to be restored to my former name:___________________. Grounds for Annulment: The grounds for annulment of the purported marriage between the Respondent and I are as follows: 10. 11. . FOR THESE REASONS, I REQUEST THE FOLLOWING RELIEF: [Check all that apply.] (a) That the purported marriage between the Respondent & I be annulled ab initio; __ (b) That ; (c) That the Court order any and all other relief that the Court finds appropriate. Petition for Annulment -- Rev. February 2016 Provided by the Fulton Family Law Information Center American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Dated: Petitioner, Pro se (Signature) Name: Address:___________________________________ __________________________________________ Email: ______________________________ IF YOU DO NOT HAVE AN EMAIL ADDRESS, FILL OUT A CERTIFICATE OF NO EMAIL ADDRESS Telephone No.: ________________________________ Petition for Annulment -- Rev. February 2016 Provided by the Fulton Family Law Information Center American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com