Answer And Counterclaim | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Georgia

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Answer And Counterclaim | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Georgia

Last updated: 1/12/2017

Answer And Counterclaim

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IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF FULTON COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA FAMILY DIVISION , Petitioner, v. Case Number ______________________ , Respondent. Civil Action ANSWER AND COUNTERCLAIM My name is and I am representing myself in this action. In response to each of the numbered paragraphs of the Petitioner's Complaint or Petition, I state as follows: (Check only one answer to match each paragraph of the Complaint or Petition; whenever you choose the "partly true" answer, you must explain on the lines about what is true and what is false.) 1. The allegations of Paragraph One are: admitted as true denied as untrue neither admitted nor denied because I do not have enough information to know the truth of the matter partly true and partly untrue, specifically as follows: 2. The allegations of Paragraph Two are: admitted as true denied as untrue neither admitted nor denied because I do not have enough information to know the truth of the matter partly true and partly untrue, specifically as follows: 3. The allegations of Paragraph Three are: admitted as true denied as untrue neither admitted nor denied because I do not have enough information to know the truth of the matter partly true and partly untrue, specifically as follows: 4. The allegations of Paragraph Four are: admitted as true denied as untrue neither admitted nor denied because I do not have enough information to know Page 1 of 8 American LegalNet, Inc. Answer and Counterclaim (General) - Rev. Feb. 2016 Provided by the Fulton Family Law Information Center the truth of the matter partly true and partly untrue, specifically as follows: 5. The allegations of Paragraph Five are: admitted as true denied as untrue neither admitted nor denied because I do not have enough information to know the truth of the matter partly true and partly untrue, specifically as follows: 6. The allegations of Paragraph Six are: admitted as true denied as untrue neither admitted nor denied because I do not have enough information to know the truth of the matter partly true and partly untrue, specifically as follows: 7. The allegations of Paragraph Seven are: admitted as true denied as untrue neither admitted nor denied because I do not have enough information to know the truth of the matter partly true and partly untrue, specifically as follows: 8. The allegations of Paragraph Eight are: admitted as true denied as untrue neither admitted nor denied because I do not have enough information to know the truth of the matter partly true and partly untrue, specifically as follows: 9. The allegations of Paragraph Nine are: admitted as true denied as untrue neither admitted nor denied because I do not have enough information to know the truth of the matter partly true and partly untrue, specifically as follows: 10. The allegations of Paragraph Ten are: admitted as true denied as untrue neither admitted nor denied because I do not have enough information to know Page 2 of 8 American LegalNet, Inc. Answer and Counterclaim (General) - Rev. Feb. 2016 Provided by the Fulton Family Law Information Center the truth of the matter partly true and partly untrue, specifically as follows: 11. The allegations of Paragraph Eleven are: admitted as true denied as untrue neither admitted nor denied because I do not have enough information to know the truth of the matter partly true and partly untrue, specifically as follows: 12. The allegations of Paragraph Twelve are: admitted as true denied as untrue neither admitted nor denied because I do not have enough information to know the truth of the matter partly true and partly untrue, specifically as follows: 13. The allegations of Paragraph Thirteen are: admitted as true denied as untrue neither admitted nor denied because I do not have enough information to know the truth of the matter partly true and partly untrue, specifically as follows: 14. The allegations of Paragraph Fourteen are: admitted as true denied as untrue neither admitted nor denied because I do not have enough information to know the truth of the matter partly true and partly untrue, specifically as follows: 15. The allegations of Paragraph Fifteen are: admitted as true denied as untrue neither admitted nor denied because I do not have enough information to know the truth of the matter partly true and partly untrue, specifically as follows: 16. The allegations of Paragraph Sixteen are: admitted as true denied as untrue neither admitted nor denied because I do not have enough information to know Page 3 of 8 American LegalNet, Inc. Answer and Counterclaim (General) - Rev. Feb. 2016 Provided by the Fulton Family Law Information Center the truth of the matter partly true and partly untrue, specifically as follows: 17. The allegations of Paragraph Seventeen are: admitted as true denied as untrue neither admitted nor denied because I do not have enough information to know the truth of the matter partly true and partly untrue, specifically as follows: 18. The allegations of Paragraph Eighteen are: admitted as true denied as untrue neither admitted nor denied because I do not have enough information to know the truth of the matter partly true and partly untrue, specifically as follows: 19. The allegations of Paragraph Nineteen are: admitted as true denied as untrue neither admitted nor denied because I do not have enough information to know the truth of the matter partly true and partly untrue, specifically as follows: 20. The allegations of Paragraph Twenty are: admitted as true denied as untrue neither admitted nor denied because I do not have enough information to know the truth of the matter partly true and partly untrue, specifically as follows: 21. Defenses - In addition to my specific responses above, I have the following affirmative defenses to this action: COUNTERCLAIM Answer and Counterclaim (General) - Rev. Feb. 2016 Provided by the Fulton Family Law Information Center American LegalNet, Inc. Page 4 of 8 22. Jurisdiction and Venue: I am the Respondent or Respondent in this action and: [Check only one of the following, either (a) or (b).] (a) I am a resident of the State of Georgia. (b) I am not a resident of the State of Georgia, but the Petitioner or Petitioner is a resident of the State of Georgia. The Petitioner or Petitioner has submitted to personal jurisdiction and venue by filing the Complaint or Petition. 23. Service: The Petitioner or Petitioner shall be served as prov

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