Notice Of Delinquency | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Georgia

 Georgia   Local County   Fulton   Superior Court   Family Division 
Notice Of Delinquency | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Georgia

Last updated: 4/13/2015

Notice Of Delinquency

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NOTICE OF DELINQUENCY TO: _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ DATE: _____________________________________ This is your notice under OCGA § 19-6-32 (f), that the enclosed Income Deduction Order shall be enforced. (1) The support order was entered on ______________________in the Superior Court of Fulton County, Georgia, in Civil Action Number ___________________________. It ordered you to pay: _____Child support of $_____________________ per month, beginning on ______________________. _____Spousal support of $ ___________________per month, beginning on _______________________. (2) A total arrearage of $ ___________________ has accrued between the date of _______________________ and the date of this Notice. (3) The fees that may be imposed are: $ _______________________. . The interest which may be imposed is: $ _________________________ to date, and will continue to accumulate at the applicable rate of _______________% per year. (4) The total amount of income to be deducted for each month until the arrearage and all applicable fees and interest are paid in full is $ _________________, and the total amount of income to be deducted for each month thereafter is $ _____________________. The amounts deducted may not be in excess of that allowed under Section 303(b) of the federal Consumer Credit Protection Act, 15 USC Section 1673(b), as amended. (5) A copy of this notice will be served on your payor or payors, together with a copy of the Income Deduction Order. You may apply to the court to contest enforcement of the order. The application shall not affect the enforcement of the Income Deduction Order unless and until the court enters an order granting relief to you. Page 1 of 2 IDO Notice of Delinquency rev. 7/2013 Fulton County Superior Court Family Division American LegalNet, Inc. (6) The enforcement of the Income Deduction Order may only be contested on the ground of mistake of fact regarding the amount of support owed pursuant to a support order, the arrearages, or the identity of the obligor. (7) You are required to notify me of your current address and current payors and the address of current payors. All changes shall be reported by you within seven days. (Do not check the line below unless Child Support Enforcement is handling your case.) ______The IV-D agency is enforcing the order, so you must make these notifications to the agency (the Office of Child Support Enforcement) instead of to me. _________________________________________ Obligee/Recipient (Signature) Name: ___________________________________ Address: _________________________________ ________________________________________ Telephone:_______________________________ Page 2 of 2 IDO Notice of Delinquency rev. 7/2013 Fulton County Superior Court Family Division American LegalNet, Inc.

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