Subpoena (Order To Appear And Or Produce) {MC 11} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

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Subpoena (Order To Appear And Or Produce) {MC 11} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 11/7/2024

Subpoena (Order To Appear And Or Produce) {MC 11}

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MC 11 - SUBPOENA Order to Appear and/or Produce. This form is a subpoena used in Michigan Judicial District and Judicial Circuit Courts. It orders an individual to appear before the court and may also require them to produce documents or testify. The form includes information about the case, parties involved, the order to appear, and any specific requirements such as producing documents or testifying. It also contains sections for requesting accommodations due to a disability or language barrier. The form emphasizes the consequences of failing to obey the subpoena. There are sections for the requesting party's information, notarization of an affidavit for a judgment debtor examination (if applicable), and proof of service. Approved, SCAO. MCL 600.1455, MCL 600.1701, MCL 600.6104, MCL 600.6110, MCL 600.6116, MCL 600.6119, MCR 2.002, MCR 2.105, MCR 2.305, MCR 2.506.

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