Juror Qualification Questionnaire {MC 321a} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

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Juror Qualification Questionnaire {MC 321a} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 8/15/2024

Juror Qualification Questionnaire {MC 321a}

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MC 321a -- JUROR QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE. This form is used in the State of Michigan to determine the eligibility of a prospective juror for jury service. The form is sent to individuals whose names have been randomly selected from Secretary of State records. The recipient is required to fill out the form within 10 days, providing personal information such as name, address, and contact details, as well as answering questions about their citizenship, ability to understand English, physical and mental capability to serve as a juror, and any past felony convictions. The form also includes questions about prior jury service and whether the individual, if 70 years or older, wishes to be exempted from jury duty. Failure to complete and return the form or providing false information can result in fines or imprisonment for contempt of court. www.FormsWorkflow.com

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