Judgment Of Contempt {MC 96} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Michigan

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Judgment Of Contempt {MC 96} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 5/19/2022

Judgment Of Contempt {MC 96}

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In the matter of , contemnor, Address City State Zipen-USTHE COURT FINDS: þ 1. þ The contemnor was found guilty of þ civil þ criminal þ contempt on en-US þ by plea þ by summary contempt þ after hearing þ for the following: þ þ failing to pay. þ þ failing to serve a sentence as ordered. þ þ failing to appear. þ þ violating a condition of a bond. þ þ failing to complete and return juror qualification questionnaire. þ þ failing to complete and return juror personal history questionnaire. þ þ failing to appear for jury service. þ þ disobeying a subpoena. þ þ refusing to testify. þ þ failing to comply with investigative subpoena. þ þ failing to obey a grand jury summons. þ þ taking improper action, as an employer, against a juror. þ þ disobeying an injunctive order against a public nuisance. þ þ failing to complete an affidavit of judgment debtor. þ þ other: en-US 2. þ The contemnor was þ represented by an attorney. þ en-US advised of the right to counsel and appointed counsel and þ knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily waived that right. en-USIT IS ORDERED: 3. þ þ a. þ The contemnor is sentenced to jail for criminal contempt as follows: þ Report at en-US en-US m. en-USCounten-USDate Sentenceen-USBeginsen-USSentenceden-USCrediteden-USTo Be Serveden-USRelease Authorizeden-USfor the Following Purposeen-USRelease Perioden-USMos.en-USDaysen-USMos.en-USDaysen-USMos.en-USDaysen-USFromen-USTo en-US Upon payment of fine and costs........................ en-US To work or seek work......................................... en-US For attendance at school................................... en-US For medical treatment........................................ en-US Other: en-US þ þ b. þ The contemnor is committed to the county jail for civil contempt and may be released when: þ 4. þ The contemnor is ordered to probation for criminal contempt. en-US(See separate order.) 5. þ The contemnor shall pay: en-USState Minimumen-USCrime Victimen-USRestitutionen-USCourt Costsen-USAttorney Feesen-USFineen-USOther Costsen-USTotalen-US$en-US$en-US$en-US$en-US$en-US$en-US$en-US$ þ The due date for payment is en-US en-US . Fine, costs, and fees not paid within 56 days of the due date are þ subject to a 20% late penalty on the amount owed. þ 6. þ Other: en-USDate þ en-USJudge Bar no. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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